Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers (2009)


The 2009 volume of Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation - The Fordham Papers is a collection of important works in international arbitration and mediation written by the prominent speakers at the 2009 Fordham Law School Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation.

The 25 papers are organized into the following six parts:
Part I: Investor-State Arbitration
Part II: Arbitrator Ethics
Part III: Damages in International Commercial Arbitration
Part IV: The Theory and Philosophy of International Arbitration
Part V: Investor-State Mediation
Part VI: Mediation in the Context of Arbitration

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Pages: 289–291
Pages: 437–452
Part I: Investor-State Arbitration
Overview of Investor-State Arbitration: The Regressive Character of the
2004 U.S. Model BIT, Stephen M. Schwebel
The Investor’s Choice of ICSID and Non-ICSID Arbitration Under Bilateral
and Multilateral Treaties, V.V. Veeder
A Further Update on Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment—In Search of a
Constant Jurisprudence, Meg Kinnear
Annulling the Annulment: More on Contracts and Treaties, Francisco Orrego Vicuna
Arbitrator Integrity and Investor-State Disputes, William W. Park

Part II: Arbitrator Ethics
Cost Concerns in the Drafting of Arbitral Awards—An Issue of Ethics, Arthur W. Rovine
Bias in International Commercial Arbitration Versus Investment Arbitration:
Are There Different Standards? Should There Be? Sophie Nappert
Arbitrator Bias: A Russian Perspective, Ivan Marisin and Irina Sergeeva
Arbitrator Bias in Countries with No or Reduced Arbitration Tradition, Ignacio Gomez-Palacio

Part III: Damages in International Commercial Arbitration
The Problem with Damages in International Arbitration, Lawrence W. Newman
Presentation of Evidence and Legal Issues Relating to Damages: Tactics and Pitfalls, Hilary Heilbron, QC
Damages—Standards for Compensation and the Role of Experts, Richard H. Kreindler
Damages in International Commercial Arbitration: Methods of Calculation,
Andrea Saldarriaga and Mark Kantor
Compounding Interest in Interest: The Global Economy, Deflation, and Interest, John Y. Gotanda

Part IV: The Theory and Philosophy of International Arbitration
Overview, W. Michael Reisman
Arbitration, Rhetoric, Proof: The Unity of International Arbitration Across Cultures,
Lawrence Shore
Three Philosophies of International Arbitration, Emmanuel Gaillard
Is Arbitration a Service to Business or to the Legal Profession? Catherine Kessedjian

Part V: Investor-State Mediation
Investor-State Dispute Mediation: The Benefits and Obstacles, Edna Sussman
Should Mediation of Investment Disputes Be Encouraged; and If So, by Whom and How? Jack J. Coe, Jr.
Conciliation and BITs, Gabriel Bottini and Veronica Lavista
Investor-State Mediation: Is There a Future? Tillmann Rudolf Braun
Investor-State Mediation: Observations on the Role of Institutions, Margrete Stevens and Ben Love

Part VI: Mediation in the Context of Arbitration
Reflections on Culture in Med-Arb, Tai-Heng Cheng
Will the Next Generation of Dispute Resolution Clause Drafting Include Model Arb-Med Clauses? Kathleen M. Scanlon and Kathy A. Bryan

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