Despite the crucial role played by both law and architecture in ancient Rome, the Romans never developed a type of building that was specifically and exclusively reserved for the administration of justice: courthouses did not exist in Roman antiquity. The present volume addresses this apparent paradox by investigating the spatial settings of Roman judicial practices from a variety of perspectives. Scholars of law, topography, architecture, political history, and literature concur in putting Roman judicature back into its concrete physical context, exploring how the exercise of law interacted with the environment in which it took place, and how the spaces charactarized by this interaction were perceived by the ancients themselves. The result is a fresh view on a key aspect of Roman culture.
Francesco de Angelis (Ph.D. Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 2003) is Associate Professor of Roman Art and Archaeology at Columbia University, New York. He has published on several topics in the Greek, Roman, and Etruscan field, including monuments and cultural memory, the iconographic tradition of myth, ancient art criticism.
Contributors include: Jean-Jacques Aubert, Leanne Bablitz, John Bodel, Livia Capponi, Francesco de Angelis, Bruce Frier, Eric Kondratieff, Marco Maiuro, Ernest Metzger, Richard Neudecker, Saundra Schwartz, Kaius Tuori
Nel complesso si tratta di un’opera utile e interessante, tanto per gli studiosi del diritto romano, quanto per specialisti di altre discipline riguardanti la romanità." Lorenzo Gagliardi in
BMRC, 14.2.2013
List of Illustrations
List of Abbreviations
List of Contributors
Ius and Space: An Introduction
Francesco de Angelis
Civil Procedure in Classical Rome: Having an Audience with the Magistrate
Ernest Metzger
A Place for Jurists in the Spaces of Justice?
Kaius Tuori
Finding a Place for Law in the High Empire: Tacitus, Dialogus 39.1–4
Bruce Frier
The Urban Praetor’s Tribunal in the Roman Republic
Eric Kondratieff
The Emperor’s Justice and its Spaces in Rome and Italy
Francesco de Angelis
The Forum of Augustus in Rome: Law and Order in Sacred Spaces
Richard Neudecker
What Was the Forum Iulium Used for? The Fiscus and its Jurisdiction in First-Century ce Rome
Marco Maiuro
A Relief, Some Letters and the Centumviral Court
Leanne Bablitz
Spaces of Justice in Roman Egypt
Livia Capponi
The Setting and Staging of Christian Trials
Jean-Jacques Aubert
Kangaroo Courts: Displaced Justice in the Roman Novel
John Bodel
Chronotopes of Justice in the Greek Novel: Trials in Narrative Spaces
Saundra Schwartz
Index of Sources
Index of Names
Index of Places
Index of Subjects
Those interested in Roman law and institutions, and Roman topography; experts of Roman architecture, the ancient novel, martyrological literature, and Roman Egypt; philologists, archaeologists, epigraphists, political and cultural historians