'...an important work about the history of mathematics...enormous contribution to the study of the history of mathematics... will be the fundamental manual for all historians of science studying the works of scientists of the Near and Middle in the period considered, and the works of ancient scientists and their influence on the science of the medieval East, for many decades.'
Boris A. Rosenfeld, Archives Internat. Hist. Sciences, 1978.
'...one must welcome and admire the wealth of the material that has been assembled here.'
Manfred Ullmann, Mundus, 1975.
'...son ouvrage doit désormais faire partie de toute bibliothèque d'histoire des mathématiques avant le XVIIe siècle.'
Roshdi Rashed, Revue D'Histoire des Sciences, 1976.
'On n'insistera jamais assez sur la qualité de cet ouvrage et donc sur l'importance des services qu'il rend.'
IBLA, 1976.
'...mit grosser Sach- und Literaturkenntnis dargestellt.'
Otto Spies, Welt des Islams, 1977.
'This is a fundamental reference work...'
Jan P. Hogendijk, Mathematical Review, 1987.
I. Einführung
II. Quellen
III. Arabische Mathematiker
Literaturverzeichnis, Bibliotheken und Sammlungen arabischer Handschriften