Perspectives of International Law in the 21st century / Perspectives du droit international au 21e siècle

Liber Amicorum Professor Christian Dominicé in Honour of his 80th Birthday

This Liber Amicorum appears on the occasion of Professor Christian Dominicé's 80th birthday. It includes contributions by his colleagues and friends from distinguished universities and international institutions. It covers different fields in which he has excelled. This collective work is divided into three main sections. The first section examines matters concerning the principles and fundamentals of international law in the 21st Century. The second section is devoted to the law and practice of International Organizations and Courts. The third section addresses issues related the international protection of human rights and international humanitarian law. The result is a collection of stimulating analysis of most of the topical problems of international law. The contributions are in both English and French.

Ce Liber Amicorum est publié à l’occasion du 80ème anniversaire du Professeur Christian Dominicé. Il comprend des contributions de ses collègues et amis, venant de prestigieuses universités et institutions internationales. Il couvre différents domaines dans lesquels celui-ci a excellé. Cet ouvrage collectif est divisé en trois sections. La première section a trait aux principes et fondamentaux du droit international du 21ème siècle. La deuxième section est consacrée au droit et à la pratique des organisations internationales et des cours. La troisième section étudie certains aspects concernant la protection internationale des droits de l’homme et du droit international humanitaire. Il en résulte une collection d’analyses stimulantes sur des problèmes très actuels du droit international. Les contributions sont en anglais et en français.

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Marcelo G. Kohen, Ph.D. (1995), Graduate Institute, Geneva, is Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute, Geneva, and associated member of the Institut de droit international. He has published extensively on territorial disputes, including Possession contestée et souveraineté territoriale (PUF, Paris, 1997).

Robert Kolb, Ph.D. (1998), Graduate Institute, Geneva, is Professor of International Law at the University of Geneva. He has published numerous books and articles in four languages on various areas of international law, including La bonne foi en droit international public (PUF, Paris, 2000).

Djacoba Liva Tehindrazanarivelo, Ph.D. (2003), Graduate Institute, Geneva, is Adjunct Professor of International Law and Organization at Boston University Geneva Program, and Lecturer in the Law of International Security at the Catholic University of Lyon. He has published on the United Nations sanctions, the law of the African Union, and human rights of migrants, and is author of two books on these topics: Les sanctions des Nations Unies et leurs effets secondaires: assistance aux victimes et voies juridiques de prévention (Paris, PUF, 2005), and Le racisme à l'égard des migrants en Europe (Strasbourg, Editions du Conseil de l'Europe, 2009).
All those interested in International Law in general, as well as in the current problems of international relations under a legal perspective.
Tous ceux intéressés par le droit international en général, ainsi qu’aux problèmes actuels des relations internationales étudiés selon une perspective juridique.
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