The Hanse in Medieval and Early Modern Europe


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The Hanse, an organization of towns and traders in medieval and early modern Europe,
was a unique phenomenon. At the same time, it was embedded in the northern European urban and mercantile culture. The contributions in this volume therefore seek to highlight the atypical features of the Hanse, and place them in a wider context of common roots, influences and parallel developments. New research is presented on the origin and growth of the Hanse, the organization of trade, legal history, interaction with non-Hansards and transitions in the Hanse in the early modern period. Moreover, the historiography of the Hanse, problems of source criticism and possibilities for future research are discussed. The volume is an inspiring guide to Hanse studies.
Contributors are Carsten Jahnke, Edda Frankot, Sofia Gustafsson, James M. Murray, Mike Burkhardt, Marie-Louise Pelus-Kaplan, Stuart Jenks, and Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz.

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Pages: 255–281
Pages: 291–295
Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz, Ph.D. (2008), Groningen University, the Netherlands, is a research fellow and lecturer at Leiden University. She has published several articles on the Hanse and the history of Scandinavia, including Traders, Ties and Tensions. The Interaction of Lübeckers, Overijsslers and Hollanders in Late Medieval Bergen (Verloren, 2008).
Stuart Jenks is professor of medieval history and medieval and modern economic history at the University of Erlangen. He has published on Hanseatic history and medieval German and English history.
The Hanse in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: An Ιntroduction ... 1
Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz
Map of the Hanse in 1554 according to the London Steelyard Statutes ... 26
Guide to Hanse Research ... 30

The City of Lubeck and the Internationality of Early Hanseatic Trade ... 37
Carsten Jahnke
The London Steelyard’s Certifications of Membership 1463–1474 and the European Distribution Revolution ... 59
Stuart Jenks
Appendix I: “Day Books”: The Example of George Mixstow’s Ship ... 98
Appendix II: Henry VI’s Order of 16 November 1428 ... 101
Appendix III: Edward IV’s Οrder of 10 May 1465 ... 105
Der ehrbaren Hanse-Stadte See-Recht: Diversity and Unity in Hanseatic Maritime Law ... 109
Edda Frankot
Sale of Goods around the Baltic Sea in the Middle Ages ... 129
Sofia Gustafsson
Hansards and the ‘Other’. Perceptions and Strategies in Late Medieval Bergen ... 149
Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz
That Well-Grounded Error: Bruges as Hansestadt ... 181
James M. Murray
Small is Beautiful: Why Small Hanseatic Firms Survived in the Late Middle Ages ... 191
Stuart Jenks
Business as Usual? A Critical Investigation on the Hanseatic Pound Toll Lists ... 215
Mike Burkhardt
Mobility and Business Enterprise in the Hanseatic World: Trade Networks and Entrepreneurial Techniques (Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries) ... 239
Marie-Louise Pelus-Kaplan

Conclusion ... 255
Stuart Jenks
Game Theory and the Hanse: An Epilogue ... 283
Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz

List of Contributors ... 289
Index ... 291

All interested in the history of the Hanse, economic history and the history of institutions (NIE) in medieval and early modern Europe; specialists, post-graduate students, institutes, academic libraries.
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