The collection of archival documents Karl Radek on China reflects the views of one of the major Soviet China specialists, activists of the Russian revolutionary movement, and leaders of the Trotskyist Opposition, Karl Bernhardovich Radek (1885-1939). The documents present an original conception of the history of China from ancient times to the twentieth century as well as a delineation of the fundamental political problems of China in the 1920s. The appendices contain letters from Trotsky to Radek as well as the 'Chronological Information' of Zinoviev and Trotsky, outlining the most important stages of the struggle of the United Left Opposition against the Stalinist majority in the AUCP(b) regarding problems of the Chinese revolution. None of the documents have ever been published in English.
Alexander V. Pantsov, Ph.D. (1983), is Professor of History and the holder of the Edward and Mary Catherine Gerhold Chair in the Humanities at Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. He has published fifteen books and numerous book chapters and articles on China and Russia. Among them are The Bolsheviks and the Chinese Revolution 1919-1927 (University of Hawai’i Press, 2000), Mao: The Real Story (Simon & Schuster, 2012), Deng Xiaoping: A Revolutionary Life (Oxford University Press, 2015), and Ardent Patriot: Chiang Kai-shek and the National Revolution in China (forthcoming).
Preface Abbreviations
Karl Radek – Sinologist by Alexander V. Pantsov
1 On the Fundamentals of Communist Policy in China 22 June 1926
2 History of the Revolutionary Movement in China: The 1926–7 Lecture Course Fall 1926 – Early 1927
3 Controversial Questions of Chinese History: Lecture to the Society of Marxist Historians 26 November 1926, Stenographic Report
4 On the International Situation of China 11 March 1927, Stenographic Report
5 Driving Forces of the Chinese Revolution: Lecture to the Communist Academy 13 March 1927, Stenographic Report
6 Concluding Word to the Lecture ‘Driving Forces of the Chinese Revolution’ 27 March 1927, Stenographic Report
7 The ‘Betrayal’ of the National Movement by the Chinese Upper Bourgeoisie Early May 1927
8 Speech at the Institute of World Economy and World Politics of the Communist Academy during the Discussion of the Lecture by L.N. Geller on the Chinese Workers’ Movement 17 May 1927, Stenographic Report
9 A New Stage in the Chinese Revolution: From Chiang Kai-shek to Wang Jingwei 2 July 1927, G.E. Evdokimov, G.E. Zinoviev, K.B. Radek, G.I. Safarov, L.D. Trotsky
Afterword: Bukharin Continues to Mislead the Chinese Communists
Appendix 1: Letter from L.D. Trotsky to K.B. Radek 26 June 1926 Appendix 2: Letter from L.D. Trotsky to K.B. Radek 14 May 1926 Appendix 3: Facts and Documents Which Should be Accessible for Verification by Every Member of the AUCP(b) and the Whole Comintern: Chronological Information 21 May 1927, G.E. Zinoviev and L.D. Trotsky Biographical Dictionary Works Cited Bibliography of the Works of K.B. Radek and Literature about K.B. Radek (Not Included in the Present Collection) Index
For historians, social and political scientists, students of the humanities, and all those interested in the history of Russian and Chinese communism.