This work offers ease of access to the ICJ's judgments and advisory opinions given between 25 March 1949 and 3 February 2012. It seeks to help scholars, practitioners and students of international public law quickly to review the Court’s jurisprudence for precedents in the Court’s "canon" and "case law". It allows the reader to read the judgments and opinions themselves, reduced to the unabbreviated and undistorted essence of the Court’s reasoning. The work contains all the timeless elements of the Court’s jurisprudence in one volume, and a highly detailed index of the relevant terms and phrases of the judgments and advisory opinions.
Guenther Dahlhoff, doctor juris in public international law, Free University of Berlin, was a German Ambassador who, since his retirement, has been an attorney at law in Berlin.
I. Editorial Notes
II. List of Acronyms
III.A Register of the Judgments and Advisory Opinions of the International Court of Justice in the Order of the Case Numbers of the Court's General List
IV. Digest of Judgments and Advisory Opinions of the International Court of Justice
V. Pronouncements of the International Court of Justice on Customary International Law
VI.A Index of Key Words and Terms
VI.B Index of Resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council of the United Nations
VI.C Index of International Multilateral Treaties and Conventions