Books within Books presents some recent findings and research projects on the fragments of medieval Hebrew manuscripts discovered in the bindings of other manuscripts and early printed books across Europe. This is the second collection of interdisciplinary articles on Hebrew binding fragments presenting current scholarship and its international scope.
From the contemporary perspective, the fragments of medieval Hebrew manuscripts preserved until today, through their numbers (estimated 30,000 fragments, so more than double of the number of the known Hebrew volumes produced in medieval Europe ), the texts they carry (some of them have been previously unknown), the insights into book making techniques and finally their economic impact, are an unprecedented source for our knowledge of the Hebrew book culture and literacy as well as the economic and intellectual exchanges between the Jewish minority and their non-Jewish neighbours.
Andreas Lehnardt, PhD (1999), is Professor of Jewish Studies at Mainz University. He is the Head of a project on Hebrew binding fragments in Germany. He is the editor of
'Genizat Germania'. Hebrew and Aramaic Binding Fragments from Germany in Context (Brill, 2010).
Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, PhD (1995), is Professor of Hebrew Manuscript Studies at the Section des Sciences historiques et philologiques (Historical and Philological Sciences), École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sorbonne. She is the author of
Karaite Marriage Contracts from the Cairo Geniza. Legal Tradition and Community Life in Mediaeval Egypt and Palestine (Brill 1997).
Editor’s foreword
Introduction: ‘Books within books’ – The State of Research and new Developments
Andreas Lehnardt and Judith Olszowy-Schlanger Part I: History of Research Carta pecudina literis hebraicis scripta: The Awareness of the Binding Hebrew Fragments in History. An Overview and a Plaidoyer
Saverio Campanini Part II: Studies in Hebrew Fragments The First Autograph of the Tosafists from the European Genizah
Simha Emanuel The Reconstruction of a
Sefer haftarot from the Rhine Valley: Towards a first Typology of Ashkenazi Pentateuch Manuscripts
Judith Kogel A Newly-discovered Fragment from
Midrash Tanhuma in the Collection of Western European Manuscripts in the Russian State Library (Moscow)
Alina Lisitsina Josephus Torn to Pieces – Fragments of
Sefer Yosippon in Genizat Germania
Saskia Dönitz Binding Accounts: a Leger of a Jewish Pawnbroker from 14th Century Southern France (MS Krakow, BJ Przyb/163/92)
Judith Olszowy-Schlanger Hebrew Fragments as a Window on Economic Activity: Holdings in the Historical Archives of Girona (Arxiu Històric de Girona)
Esperança Valls Pujol Part III: Regional Projects A Regional Perspective on Hebrew Fragments: The Case of Moravia
Tamás Visi and Magdaléna Jánošíková Bindings and Covers: Fragments of Books and Notebooks from the Angelica Library (Biblioteca Angelica, Rome)
Emma Abate Medieval Hebrew Manuscript Fragments in Switzerland: Some Highlights of the Discoveries
Justine Isserles Newly Discovered Hebrew Fragments in the State Archive of Amberg (Bavaria) - Some Suggestions on their Historical Background
Andreas Lehnardt European Fragments in the Spines of the Book Collection of a Yemenite Community
Michael Krupp Genizat Yerushalayim: The National Library of Israel in Jerusalem
Abraham David Fragments as Objects: Medieval Austrian Fragments in the Jewish Museum of Vienna
Martha Keil
All those interested in Jewish Studies, Hebrew Manuscripts, Book history, Book Binding, Medieval and Early Modern Jewish History.