Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem On the Life and the Passion of Christ

A Coptic Apocryphon


Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem's Coptic homily On the Life and the Passion of Christ is in fact a collection of apocryphal stories. Roelof van den Broek offers a critical edition of this text, with introduction, translation and notes. The text provides information about the worldly crafts of the apostles and Jesus' external appearance; it also contains a peculiar chronology of Holy Week (implying that Jesus was arrested on Tuesday evening) and a long story about Pilate’s role in the trial of Jesus. The latter contains, int. al., letters by Pilate and Herod, discussions between Pilate and Jesus during a dinner they had together, and a description of the dreams of Pilate and his wife Procla and their explanation by Jesus.

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Roelof van den Broek, emeritus professor of History of Christianity (Utrecht), published Dutch translations of gnostic and hermetic texts, Studies in Gnosticism and Alexandrian Christianity (1996), Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (forthcoming), and numerous articles in international academic journals and collective volumes.
1. The Manuscripts
2. The Text: Sources, Apocryphal Elements, and Date
The ‘Writings of the Apostles’
The List of the Apostles
An apocryphal work on Pilate
The chronology of Holy Week
The divine Christ
The external appearance of Jesus
Moses the prophet-killer
3. On the Life and the Passion of Christ and the other homilies attributed to Cyril of Jerusalem
Eight Cyrillian homilies
- On the Life and the Passion of Christ
- On the Passion and the Resurrection
- On the Resurrection
- On the Resurrection and the Passion
- On New Sunday
- On the Virgin Mary
- On the Holy Cross
- On Mary Magdalene
A Cyrillian Cycle?
4. Text
- Sigla and editorial principles
- Text
5. Translation and Notes
6. Appendices
- Texts on the parents and the worldly professions of the apostles
- A Letter of Epiphanius of Salamis on the chronology of Holy Week
7. Abbreviations
8. Bibliography.
9. Indices
Coptologists, students of New Testament apocryphal traditions and of the literature and thought of the Early Byzantine period, and church historians in general.
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