Aristotle's De Animalibus was an important source of zoological knowledge both for the ancient Greeks and for the medieval Arabs and Europeans. The work was twice translated into Latin, once directly from the Greek by William of Moerbeke and once, by way of the intermediary of an existing Arabic translation, by Michael Scot. Of these, Scot's translation is the oldest.
The De Animalibus is composed of three sections: 'History of Animals' (10 books), 'Parts of Animals' (4 books) and 'Generation of Animals' (5 books). The present volume contains the first critical edition of Scot's translation of the last section. Editions of his translations of the two preceding sections are in preparation.
The volume includes very complete Latin-Arabic and Arabic-Latin word indexes and, as a supplement, the first complete word index to the original Greek text of 'Generation of Animals'.
The volume for the first time makes available to the scholarly world a version of Aristotle's 'Generation of Animals' that has long been one of the main sources of knowledge in Europe on the subject. Being a faithful translation of a translation produced by a Syriac-speaking Christian, the text also contributes to our knowledge of Middle Arabic.
Aafke M.I. van Oppenraaij studied Classics and Arabic at the University of Amsterdam. She is preparing several editions for the Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus Project since 1976. Recent publication: 'Quelques particularités de la méthode de traduction de Michel Scot', in: Rencontres de Cultures dans la Philosophie Médiévale: Traductions et Traducteurs de l'Antiquité tardive au XIVe Siècle, Louvain-la-Neuve/Cassino, 1990.
L.-J. Bataillon, Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques, 1994.
'Ce livre excellent...par un esprit qui n'est pas médiocre, proprement fascinante.'
Pierre Pellegrin, Revue Philisophique, 1994.
'...I am grateful that this important source has been made available in an exemplary manner...'
Gerhard Endress, ISIS, 1995.
'The appearance of the first of van Oppenraaij's careful and meticulous editions is most welcome and will provide a useful addition to the source materials for the study of medieval Latin Aristotelianism. It is the hope of those working on the commentary tradition of the zoology that the two other volumes will not be long in appearing.'
Michael W. Tkacz, Review of Metaphysics, 1995.
'...vorbildlicher kritischer Edition...'
Herbert Eisenstein, Zeitschrift der Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, 1995.
'Voice en tout une édition indispensable à toute bibliothèque de textes latins du Moyen Age.'
Baudouin Van Den Abeele, Bulletin Codicologique, 1995.
'On ne peut que saluer ce travail magnifique, qui fait honneur à la grande érudition, à la fois classique et orientaliste, de son auteur.'
Aubert Martin, Latomus, 1995.
Students of medieval Latin, medieval science and natural history, and of Arabic and medieval Latin lexicology.