Aural Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities

This book addresses an underserved area in the field of diagnostic and rehabilitative audiology, specifically, people with disabilities. The first section presents an overview of specific disabilities and how different cultural practices impact on their management; the second section focuses on the evaluation of hearing impairment within various disabled groups; and the third section concentrates on overall approaches to audiologic management. Evaluation and assessment chapters include cases of people with AIDS and HIV, Cerebral Palsy, Visual Impairments, Down Syndrome, Older Adults with Alzheimer's disease, as well as others. The book will serve two audiences: practicing audiologists and other hearing healthcare providers who work with disabled populations, as well as graduate students of audiology and medical students in Au.D. programs.

Prices from (excl. shipping):

E-Book (PDF)
Introduction: An Overview of Disabilities

Part I: Audiologica Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities: Assessment and Management
Cerebral Palsy/Developmental Disabilities
HIV/AIDS Audiologic Evaluation and Management of People with Visual Impairment
Older Adults with Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
Otitis Media: Diagnosis and Management
Cerument management in People with Disabilities

Part II: Alternative Communication, Amplification, and Counseling
Amplification and Assistive Technology
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Respectful Counseling: A Blueprint for Practice
Professional / Scholarly
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Manufacturer information:
Koninklijke Brill B.V. 
Plantijnstraat 2
2321 JC
Leiden / The Netherlands