Weathering the Storm

The Economics of Southeast Asia in the 1930s Depression

The principal cause of the 1930s depression in Southeast Asia lay outside the region—through a sharp contraction in demand for the region's major commodity exports. But it had important internal causes, too: an oversupply of primary commodities and an increasing scarcity of new agricultural land leading to higher rents and lower wages, rising indebtedness and increasing landlessness. This work thoroughly analyses the pre-war depression. It also looks at the changes in the basic structures of the economies of Southeast Asia that were of long-term importance, such as the role of the state in the economy. The authors also draw similarities and contrasts between the 1930s depression and the 1990s Asian crisis.
Contributors are Peter Boomgaard, Anne Booth, Pierre Brocheux, Ian Brown, William G. Clarence-Smith, Daniel F. Doeppers, Paul H. Kratoska, J. Thomas Lindblad, Sompop Manarungsan, S. Nawiyanto, Irene Norlund, Jeroen Touwen, and Willem Wolters.
Co-published with ISEAS, Singapore

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2 Surviving the Slump
Developments in Real Income During the Depression of the 1930s in Indonesia, Particularly Java
Pages: 23–52
4 Uneven Impact and Regional Responses
The Philippines in the 1930s Depression
Pages: 83–108
5 Material Conditions in Rural Lower Burma During the Economic Crisis of the Early 1930s
What the Cotton Textile Import Figures Reveal
By: Ian Brown
Pages: 109–120
10 Rice and the Colonial Lobby
The Economic Crisis in French lndo-China in the 1920s and 1930s
Editor(s): Peter Boomgaard and Ian Brown
Pages: 198–226
11 Hadhrami Arab Entrepreneurs in Indonesia and Malaysia
Facing the Challenge of the 1930s Recession
Pages: 229–248
13 Imperial Unity Versus Local Autonomy
British Malaya and the Depression of the 1930s
Pages: 271–294
14 Crisis and Response
A Study of Foreign Trade and Exchange Rate Policies in Three Southeast Asian Colonies in the 1930s
Pages: 295–320
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