Turko-Mongol Rulers, Cities and City Life


Volume Editor:
For nearly a millennium, a large part of Asia was ruled by Turkic or Mongol dynasties of nomadic origin. What was the attitude of these dynasties towards the many cities they controlled, some of which were of considerable size? To what extent did they live like their subjects? How did they evolve? Turko-Mongol Rulers, Cities and City-life aims to broaden the perspective on the issue of location of rule in this particular context by bringing together specialists in various periods, from pre-Chingissid Eurasia to nineteenth-century Iran, and of various disciplines (history, archaeology, history of art).
Contributors include: Michal Biran, David Durand-Guédy, Kurt Franz, Peter Golden, Minoru Inaba, Nobuaki Kondo, Yuri Karev, Tomoko Masuya, Charles Melville, Jürgen Paul and Andrew Peacock

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Preliminary Material
Editor(s): David Durand-Guédy
Pages: i–xviii
Location of Rule in a Context of Turko-Mongol 
Pages: 1–20
2. Sedentary Rulers on the Move
The Travels of the Early Ghaznavid Sultans
Pages: 75–98
3. From Tents to City
The Royal Court of the Western Qarakha­nids between Bukhara and Samarqand
Pages: 99–147
9. A Landscape of Fortresses
Central Anatolia in Astarābādī’s Bazm wa razm
Pages: 317–345
10. The Castle and the Country
Spatial Orientations of Qipchaq Mamluk Rule
Pages: 347–384
11. Between Tehran and Sulṭāniyya
Early Qajar Rulers and their Itineraries
Pages: 385–416
David Durand-Guédy, Ph.D. (2004), is a former Research Associate at the Collaborative Research Centre ‘Difference and Integration’, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. He has published several articles on the Saljuq period, as well as the award-winning book Iranian Elites and Turkish Rulers: A History of Iṣfahān in the Saljūq Period (Routledge, 2010).
All interested in the history of Iran and Turan during the pre-modern period and anyone concerned with Turks, Mongols and Turko-Mongol dynasties as well as urban studies.
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