Daily, Sabbath, and Festival Prayers in the Dead Sea Scrolls


All the evidence for daily, sabbath, and festival prayers in the Qumran scrolls is analysed in detail, document by document. On the basis of formal features and social-liturgical setting, these prayers are compared with each other to uncover divergent prayer traditions. Comparative material beyond the scrolls is used to reassess their place in the development of Jewish prayer.
Evidence for prayers of different origin found at Qumran is important for reconsidering the nature of the scrolls, the community(s) which used them, and the history of Jewish liturgy. For several texts significant new reconstructions are offered.

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Daniel K. Falk, Ph.D. (1996) in Divinity, University of Cambridge, is Kennicott Research Fellow in Hebrew at the Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, and Jr. Research Fellow in Qumran at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies.
' Die Arbeit ist deshalb für die atl. Wissenschaft von besonderer Bedeutung.'
A. Lange, Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 1999.
' …more comprehensvie and more detailed and sophisticated than any other publication on this topic so far…This is a very welcome book in which the author argues his case with great methodical care.'
Pieter W. van der Horst, The Jewish Studies Book Review, 1999.
All those interested in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Second Temple Judaism, the history of Jewish prayer, the history of early Christian liturgy, and religion in late antiquity.
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