Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley


In Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley, Ulrich Huttner explores the way Christians established communities and defined their position within their surroundings from the first to the fifth centuries. He shows that since the time of Paul the apostle, the cities Colossae, Hierapolis and Laodicea allowed Christians to expand and develop in their own way.
Huttner uses a wide variety of sources, not only Christian texts - from Pauline letters to Byzantine hagiographies - but also inscriptions and archeological remains, to reconstruct the religious conflicts as well as cooperation between Christians, Jews and Pagans. The book reveals the importance of local conditions in the development of Early Christianity.

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Ulrich Huttner, Dr.phil.habil. (Dr.phil. 1995 Munich, habilitation 2001 Leipzig), is senior researcher at the TOPOI Cluster of Excellency at Humboldt-University in Berlin. He published several monographs on ancient history and currently focuses on Early Christianity in Asia Minor.
"Combining historical geography, archaeology, epigraphy, and literary analysis, Huttner provides a detailed picture of the Lycus valley, whose most important sites are Laodicea, Colossae, and Hierapolis. [...] the volume is a treasure trove of local lore, traditions, and practices that will enrich one’s appreciation for the local textures of the Christian texts that refer to sites in the Lycus valley." – John S. Kloppenborg, University of Toronto, in: Religious Studies Review 42.2 (June 2016)
"...important thoroughly researched, and cutting-edge study of the origins and growth of Christianity in the Lycus Valley region of Asia Minor.[...] meticulous [...] first-rate study that will be consulted for many decades to come." – Paul Foster, University of Edinburgh, in: The Expository Times 126(5) (2015)
"well-researched, clearly documented and hightly-readable information. [...] Model indexes." – J. van Oort, in: Vigiliae Christianae 69 (2015)
1. Introduction
2. Historical Background
3. Pauline Influence: Philemon and Colossians
4. The Letter in the Apocalypse of John
5. Philip and His Daughters
6. Papias and Apollinarius: Bishops in Hierapolis
7. Institutionalization: Clerical Offices, Synods, and Councils
8. Persecution and Legends
9. Conclusion
10. Sources and Bibliography
11. Indexes
12. Clergy and Functionaries (Prosopographic Index)
All interested in the history of religion in the Roman Empire, especially theologians, classicists, and historians.
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