European Yearbook of Minority Issues provides a critical and timely review of contemporary developments in minority-majority relations in Europe. It combines analysis, commentary and documentation in relation to conflict management, international legal developments and domestic legislation affecting minorities in Europe.
Part I contains scholarly articles and, in the 2011 volume, features a special focus section on Roma.
Part II contains reports on national and international developments.
Apart from providing a unique annual overview of minority issues for both scholars and practitioners in this field, the Yearbook is an indispensable reference tool for libraries, research institutes as well as governments and international organisations.
European Yearbook of Minority Issues is also available
"On a whole it can again be stated that the EYMO is a highly valuable instrument for dealing with minority issues on the academic level."
Peter Hilpold,
Europa Ethnica
A. General Articles Section
The Role of Law in the Minority Discourse in the Middle East
Joshua Castellino and Kathleen Cavanaugh;
Current and Future Challenges for International Minority Protection
Francesco Palermo ;
Are the Copenhagen Criteria Undermined by the Lisbon Treaty?
Kyriaki Topidi ;
Linguistic Rights in a Former Empire: Minority Languages and the Russian Higher Courts
Federica Prina ;
Implications of Kosovo Independence for the Doctrine of Constitutional Self-determination
Boshko Stankovski ;
Do Professional Linguistic Requirements Discriminate? A Legal Analysis: Estonia and Latvia in the Spotlight
Dimitry Kochenov, Vadim Poleshchuk and Aleksejs Dimitrovs ;
Soft Solutions to a Hard Problem: Justiciable Minority Rights?
Geoff Gilbert ;
Remarks on the Romani Movement and Inclusion Policies
Dieter W. Halwachs;
1. (Self)Definition of the Roma / Defining Roma
Scholarship and the Politics of Romani Identity: Strategic and Conceptual Issues
Yaron Matras;
Identifying “Roma” or Constructing “the Other? Slovak Romani Men and Women in Processes of Identification
Barbara Tiefenbacher;
2. “Roma Issues” in Jurisprudence
The Council of Europe and the Rescue of Roma as a Paradigmatic Case of Failed Integration? Abstract Principles versus Protection in Concreto
Kristin Henrard;
The Roma: A‘Socially Disadvantaged Group’ or a ‘National Minority? Unravelling the Dichotomy through the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
Roberta Medda-Windischer;
3. Political Frameworks, Institutions and Participation
The European Union and the Roma: An Analysis of Recent Institutional and Policy Developments
Peter Vermeersch;
The Roma Issue in the European Multilevel System: Ideas, Interests and Institutions behind the Failure of Inclusion Policies
Yana Kavrakova;
Solidarity, Citizenship, Democracy: The Lessons of Romani Activism
Marton Rovid;
European Framework for National Roma Policies and the Roma in the Western Balkans
Stephan Muller;
Segregation and the Roma
Rumyan Russinov;
A International Developments
Protecting Minority Rights through an Individual Rights Mechanism: The Strasbourg Court and some Significant Developments to June 2012
Bill Bowring;
Review of the Monitoring Process of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
Charlotte Altenhoener ;
Developments in the Field of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in 2011
Vesna Crnić-Grotić;
The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities January 2011 to December 2011
Stephanie Marsal and Jennifer Croft;
The European Union and Minorities in 2011
Gabriel N. Toggenburg and Karen McLaughlin;
United Nations Practice in Minority Issues
Michele Buteau, Belen Rodriguez de Alba and Aleksandra Plesko;
B National Developments
National Reunifi cation beyond Borders: Diaspora and Minority Politics in Hungary since 2010
Szabolcs Pogonyi;
Recent Legal Developments in Sweden: What Eff ect for Finnish and Meankieli Speakers?
Heidi Ost;
The Return of Property to Community Foundations in Turkey: The Legislative Decree
Mine Yildirim ;
The Reform of the Romanian Education System and its Impact on National Minorities
Sergiu Constantin;
Fascist Legacies: The Controversy over Mussolini’s Monuments in South Tyrol
Gerald Steinacher;
The Language Issue in the Context of Minorities’ and Identity Policies in Montenegro
Sofiya Zahova;
Marc Weller (ed.) and Katherine Nobbs (assistant ed.), Political Participation of Minorities. A Commentary on International Standards and Practice (Oxford University Press, 2010), ISBN 978-0-19-956998-4 (hardback)
Alexandra Tomaselli;
Francesco Palermo and Natalie Sabanadze, National Minorities in Inter-State Relations (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers/OSCE HCNM, 2001), ISBN 978-9004175983 (hardback)
Ugo Caruso;
Tawhida Ahmed, The Impact of EU Law on Minority Rights, (Hart Publishing, 2011), ISBN 9781841138725 (hardback)
Ulrike Barten;
Emma Lantschner, Sergiu Constantin, Joseph Marko (eds.), Practice of Minority Protection in Central Europe (Nomos, 2012), ISBN 978-3-8329-6025-4 (paperback)
Zaira Vidali ;