European Yearbook / Annuaire Européen, Volume 60A (2012)


The European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the OECD. The series offers a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date overview of the member states of each organisation. This special anniversary volume celebrates 60 years of publication of the Yearbook, and its contents differs from that of the regular volumes therefore. It offers a selection of the most important articles, dealing with European cooperation and integration, to appear in the Yearbook during its 60 years of publication. These are of particular interest not only because they provide a unique historical “snapshot” of the many successes (and occasional failures) in the field of European integration but also because they discuss the ideals and aims that lay behind these efforts, many of which still resonate today as Europe confronts questions about its political destiny and ideal shape.
This volume contains articles in English and French.

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Reflexions sur l’unite europeenne/Reflections on European Unity
L’Europe est une communauté spirituelle et culturelle Robert Schuman (i, 1948-1953); Summary
World Organization and European Integration C. Wilfred Jenks (i, 1948-1953); Resume
Sociological Aspects of European Integration Bart Landheer (iii, 1955); Resume
Critique de l’Europe Salvador de Madariaga (v, 1957); Summary
Opinion on Europe Nels Anderson (v, 1957); Resume
Trade Unions and European Integration R. Colin Beever (xi, 1963); Resume
Robert Schuman Prize 1969 Address Walter Hallstein (xvi, 1968); Resume
« Pour l’Europe, malgré la crise » François-Xavier Ortoli (xxiv, 1976); “For Europe, Despite the Crisis”
Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972) et Paneurope Jerzy Lukaszewski (xxviii, 1980); Summary
Why NGOs? The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations in Parliamentary Democracy Dirk Jarré (xxxiv, 1986); Resume
Evenements et developpements historiques/Historical Events and Developments
The Balkan Pacts Djura Ninčić (ii, 1954); Resume
The Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe and the Political Problem of European Defence Léon Marchal (ii, 1954); Resume
L’histoire de la Sarre en documents : de la libération a l’organisation du Référendum du 23 octobre 1955 M. van der Goes van Naters (ii, 1954); Summary
Strasbourg at the Periphery: The Council of Europe in 1957 Hugh Beesley (v, 1957); Resume
Le Conseil de l’Europe et la crise de Bruxelles Lodovico Benvenuti (x, 1962); The Council of Europe and the Crisis in Brussels
European Political Integration: A Record of Confusion and Failure F.A.M. Alting von Geusau (xi, 1963); Resume
Le Comité d’Action pour les États-Unis d’Europe Jean Meynaud et Dusan Sidjanski (xiii, 1965); Summary
Le Congres de La Haye : avant, pendant et apres Hendrik Brugmans (xv, 1967); Summary
Les initiatives du Saint-Siege en faveur de l’unification européenne Giorgio Luigi Bernucci (xviii, 1970); Summary
European Political Cooperation Garret FitzGerald (xxii, 1974); Resume
A Year of Achievement Roy Jenkins (xxvii, 1979); Une annee de realisations
Relations exterieures/ External Relations
American Policy on European Integration Vera Micheles Dean (ii, 1954); Resume
The Russian View of European Integration Max Beloff (ii, 1954); Resume
Europe and the Economic Development of Africa Arthur Gaitskell (vi, 1958); Resume
Britain and Europe: The Multivalence of the British Decision U.W. Kitzinger (ix, 1961); Resume
Relations between the Council of Europe and the United Nations A.H. Robertson (xviii, 1970); Resume
Western Europe and the United States of America The Rt. Hon. Michael Stewart, P.C. (xx, 1972); Resume
The European Neutrals and Economic Integration in Western Europe Paul Luif (xxxv, 1987); Resume
What Necessity for European Union Enlargement? Clive H. Church (xli, 1993); Resume
Protection des droits fondamentaux/Protection of Fundamental Rights
La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme : ses origines, ses objectifs, ses realizations Polys Modinos (i, 1948-1953); Summary
La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. René Cassin (vii, 1959); Summary
The Enlargement of the European Communities and the Protection of Human Rights Max Sorensen (xix, 1971); Resume
The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Communities Hans G. Petersmann (xxiii, 1975); Resume
Minorities and Europe: The Architecture of Rights Patrick Thornberry (xlii, 1994); Resume
Conseil de l’Europe et Union européenne pour la parité femmes/homes Giuseppe Vedovato (xlvi, 1998); Summary
Institutions et questions institutionnelles/Institutions and Institutional Issues
L’Action de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l’acier Franz Etzel (i, 1948-1953); Summary
A Comparative Study of Certain European Parliamentary Assemblies Einar Lochen (iv, 1956); Resume
The European Monetary Agreement: Its Structure and Working Alexander Elkin (vii, 1959); Resume
Atlantic Unity versus European Division Michael A. Heilperin (viii, 1960); Resume
Benelux C.D.A. van Lynden (viii, 1960); Summary
1973 – A Turning Point for EFTA and for the Trading Arrangements of Western Europe Bengt Rabaeus (xxi, 1973); Resume
Le rôle de la Cour de justice dans le développement des Communautés Robert Lecourt (xxiv, 1976); Summary
Pouvoirs limités mais influence réelle d’un organe consultatif : l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe Gaetano Adinolfi (xxvii, 1979); Summary
“And Now We Are One”: The First Year of the European Parliament Robert Jackson (xxvii, 1979); Resume
Le Conseil européen Leo Tindemans (xxviii, 1980); Summary
Politiques europeennes/European Policies
Problems of a European Policy in the Cultural Field Wilhelm Cornides (iii, 1955); Resume
La politique agricole commune de la Communauté économique européenne S.L. Mansholt (vii, 1959); Summary
The European Social Charter: An Instrument of Social Collaboration in Europe F. Tennfjord (ix, 1961); Resume
La Conférence européenne des pouvoirs locaux Henry Cravatte (x, 1962); Summary
L’Évolution de la coopération en matiere juridique dans le cadre du Conseil de l’Europe Roland Muller (xii, 1964); Summary
The Council for Cultural Co-operation Anthony Haigh (xvi, 1968); Resume
European Social Policy: A New Face for the Community Patrick Hillery (xxi, 1973); Resume
European Cultural Identity and Protection of the European Cultural Heritage Marcelino Oreja (xxxiv, 1986); Resume
The 1989 Revolution and the Construction of a New European Security Framework Willem van Eekelen (xxxvii, 1989); Resume
Not As Propaganda, But to Tell the Truth: The Council of Europe’s Work on History Teaching, 1949-1997 Maitland Stobart (xlv, 1997); Resume
A la recherche de l’union monétaire de l’Europe (1945-2000) Pierre du Bois (xlvi, 1998); Summary
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