Aristoteles' De Anima

Eine verlorene spätantike Paraphrase in arabischer und persischer Überlieferung. Arabischer Text nebst Kommentar, quellengeschichtlichen Studien und Glossaren


This publication deals with an anonymous Arabic paraphrase of Aristotle's De Anima. The paraphrase, which was translated into Persian in the thirteenth century, is to be considered as the earliest testimony of Arabo-Islamic interest in Aristotelian psychology.
The first part of the book is concerned with the Arabic and Persian manuscripts and testimonies, the Greek sources of Late Antiquity, and the question of the date and identity of the author. The second part includes a critical edition with a German translation followed by a philological and philosophical commentary in the fourth part.
The volume is of special interest for the historian of late antique, post-Alexandrian (Byzantine), and early Islamic philosophy as well as for Graeco-Arabic lexicography.

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Rüdiger Arnzen, Dr phil. (1994) in Oriental philology, is co-author of the The Greek and Arabic Lexicon (Galex) (Brill, 1992).
' Ce travail monumental débute, après une introduction, par l'histoire.'
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques, 1998.
' Diese ernste Arbeit ist von besonderen Interesse für Historiker der Spätantike als auch der frühen islamischen Philosophie. Es ist auch für die griechisch-arabische Lexikographie nützlich.'
Panayotis Davarinos, Journal of Oriental and African Studies, 1997.
' Arnzen's meticulous and extremely valuable study is an important contribution to our knowledge and understanding of the transmission of Aristotelian texts into Islamic philosophy.'
Sabine Schmidtke, Journal of Islamic Studies, 2000.
' Diese Edition könnte als Modell für die Behandlung auch anderer Texte dienen.'
Manfred Ullmann, Die Welt des Orients, 1999.
Orientalists, classical philologists, Byzantinists, Iranists, historians of antique, Islamic, Byzantine, and medieval Latin philosophy, scholars interested in medieval Arabic lexicography.
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Koninklijke Brill B.V. 
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