Companion to Music in the Age of the Catholic Monarchs, edited by Tess Knighton, offers a major new study that deepens and enriches our understanding of the forms and functions of music that flourished in late medieval Spanish society. The fifteen essays, written by leading authorities in the field, present a synthesis based on recently discovered material that throws new light on different aspects of musical life during the reign of Ferdinand and Isabel (1474-1516): sacred and secular music-making in royal and aristocratic circles; the cathedral music environment; liturgy and power; musical connections with Rome, Portugal and the New World; theoretical and unwritten musical practices; women as patrons and performers; and the legacy of Jewish musical tradition.
Contributors are Mercedes Castillo Ferreira, Giuseppe Fiorentino, Roberta Freund Schwartz, Eleazar Gutwirth, Tess Knighton, Kenneth Kreitner, Javier Marín López, Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita, Bernadette Nelson, Pilar Ramos López, Emilio Ros-Fábregas, Juan Ruiz Jiménez, Richard Sherr, Ronald Surtz, and Jane Whetnall.
Tess Knighton, Ph.D. (1984, University of Cambridge) is an ICREA Research Professor at the Institució Milà i Fontanals (CSIC), Barcelona. She has published widely on music and culture in the Iberian World in the late medieval and early modern periods.
'A milestone of state-of-the-art research by nearly all of the most active scholars in the field. The scholarship is rigorous and wide-ranging, and clearly the product of recent and ongoing colloquy between the authors and the editor… a deeply satisfying mosaic of current knowledge that richly serves both specialists and the informed general reader and that will set the research agenda for further decades.' Michael Noone in:
Renaissance Quarterly LXXI (2018).
"Sin duda indispensable y modélico para cualquier estudioso de la historia de la música y de sus períodos."
Juan Carlos Asensio, in
Anuario de Estudios Medievales 49 (2019).
List of Figures vii
List of Music Examples x
List of Tables xii
List of Contributors xvi
Introduction 1
Tess Knighton
1 Music for the Royal Chapels 21
Kenneth Kreitner
2 Secular Song in Fifteenth-Century Spain 60
Jane Whetnall
3 Instruments, Instrumental Music and Instrumentalists: Traditions
and Transitions 97
Tess Knighton
4 Music and Spectacle 145
Ronald E. Surtz
5 Love and Liberality? Music in the Courts of the Spanish Nobility 173
Roberta Freund Schwartz
6 Music and Musicians at the Portuguese Royal Court and Chapel,
c. 1470–c. 1500 205
Bernadette Nelson
7 Cathedral Soundscapes: Some New Perspectives 242
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
8 Chant, Liturgy and Reform 282
Mercedes Castillo-Ferreira
9 Musical Cultures in the Reinos de Indias at the Time of Isabel and
Ferdinand 323
Javier Marín López
10 The Roman Connection: The Spanish Nation in the Papal Chapel,
1492–1521 364
Richard Sherr
11 Manuscripts of Polyphony from the Time of Isabel and
Ferdinand 404
Emilio Ros-Fábregas
12 Spanish Treatises on Musica Practica c. 1480–1525: Reflections from a
Cultural Perspective 469
Pilar Ramos López
13 Unwritten Music and Oral Traditions at the Time of Ferdinand and
Isabel 504
Giuseppe Fiorentino
14 Lost Voices: Women and Music at the Time of the Catholic
Monarchs 549
Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita
15 Musical Lives: Late medieval Hispano-Jewish Communities 579
Eleazar Gutwirth
Works Cited 617
Index 702
All interested in Spanish music and musical practice of c.1500 from a number of different disciplinary perspectives, and anyone concerned with the development of European cultural history.