This volume in honour of Mohamed el-Bialy offers 22 contributions by his friends and colleagues in appreciation for many years of true cooperation during his long career in Egyptian Archaeology. The articles deal with a wide range of topics and cover a time span from prehistory to the Byzantine Era. Unpublished objects and texts as well as results of most recent field research are presented by leading scholars in archaeology, Egyptology, architectural history and religious studies. The focus on the regions of Aswan and Ancient Thebes reflects the particular research interests of the honoree and his constant efforts to protect the archaeological heritage at these two centers of Ancient Egyptian civilization.
Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano, Ph.D. M.Phil., Universidad de Jaén, is lecturer of Ancient History and heads the archaeological excavations in the necropolis of Qubbet el-Hawa (Aswan, Egypt). His current research is focused on the provincial administration of Egypt during the Old and Middle Kingdoms.
Cornelius von Pilgrim, Dr. Phil., is director of the Swiss Institute for Architectural and Archaeological Research on Ancient Egypt in Cairo. He has published many contributions on Egyptian Archaeology, including a fundamental study on domestic architecture at Elephantine in the Second Millennium BC. He has been conducting excavations at Elephantine since 1986 and is director of the Joint Swiss-Egyptian Archaeological Mission at Syene.
Editors note
1. A Copy of a Copy of a Copy, or an Imitation Kamares-Ware Vessel from Tell el-Dab‘a,
David A. Aston 2. Between Thebes and Elephantine: busy lives of Egyptian officials,
Julia Budka 3. Three Christian Funerary Stelae from Aswan,
Jitse H. F. Dijkstra 4. Linen weaved in year 2 of Amenhotep II,
José M. Galán 5. Prospections dans le secteur Est du Wadi Abu Subeira: Premiers résultats et perspectives,
Gwenola Graff, Adel Kelany & Maxence Bailly 6. Deux documents épars du Temple d’Hathor à Philae,
Jean Claude Goyon 7. The exceptional case of a lady’s tomb in Qubbet el-Hawa at the end of the Old Kingdom,
Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano 8. Fire-setting in ancient quarries; ancient sources, new evidence and experiments,
Adel Kelany 9. Surveying Work at Wadi Abu Subeira, season 2012,
Adel Kelany, Adel Tohami, Heba Harby, Mahmoud Mokhtar, Sayed Elhomosany, Mostafa Badawy, Hassan Eltaher, Mohamed Abd El- Basset 10. Die Kirchen von Nag el-Hagar,
Alexander von Kienlin 11. Greek Pottery from Syene,
Sabine Ladstätter 12. Wine from southern Gaul in Syene, the southernmost town of the Roman Empire,
Stefanie Martin-Kilcher 13. Les travaux de la mission archéologique espagnole de l’Institut d’études de l’ancienne Égypte-IEAE à Deir el Bahari (2003-2008),
Francisco Martin Valentín & Teresa Bedman 14. The Repit temple at Athribis after the worship of Repit,
Marcus Müller 15. A newly discovered “soul house” in Assuan,
Wolfgang Müller & Irene Forstner-Müller 16. Images of Power in Neferhotep’s Tomb: Between Tradition and Renovation,
María Violeta Pereyra 17. An Authentication Sealing of the “Ruler of Kush” from Elephantine,
Cornelius von Pilgrim 18. Karakhamun’s Artists,
Elena Pischikova 19. The Henket-ankh Temple of Thutmosis III in Luxor West Bank: five years of intervention,
Myriam Seco Álvarez 20. The Quay Walls of Nag el-Tawil Revisited,
Martin Steskal 21. An Accumulation of Dirt: Excavations at the courtyard of the tomb of Senneferi at Thebes,
Helen Strudwick 22. The false door of Senneferi, Theban Tomb 99,
Nigel Strudwick
All interested in the latest advances of Egyptian Archaeology, Graeco-Roman Archaeology, Funerary Archaeology in Egypt, Urban Archaeology in Egypt, Nubian-Egyptian relationships, Experimental Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Religious Architecture in Egypt, Coptic Epigraphy, Egyptian Administration, Roman Pottery.