Studying Religions with the Iron Curtain Closed and Opened

The Academic Study of Religion in Eastern Europe


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Studying Religions with the Iron Curtain Closed and Open. The Academic Study of Religion in Eastern Europe offers an account of the research focused on the origins, development and the current situation of the Study of Religions in the 20th century in countries such as the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, and Russia.

Special attention is devoted to the ideological influences determining the interpretation of religion, especially connected with the rise of Marxist-Leninist criticism of religion.

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Tomáš Bubík, Ph.D. (1967) is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Pardubice. He has published a number of works about history and methodology of Religious Studies, including České bádání o náboženství ve 20. století (The Czech Study of Religions in the 20th Century, Červený Kostelec 2010). He is also the editor in chief of the journal Pantheon.

Henryk Hoffmann, Ph.D. (1953) is Professor of Religious Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He has published number of works about history and methodology of Religious Studies, including Dzieje polskich badań religioznawczych 1873-1939 (The History of Polish Religious Studies 1873-1939, Kraków 2004). He is also the editor in chief of the journal Nomos. Czasopismo religioznawcze.

Contributors are: Tomáš Bubík, David Václavík, Henryk Hoffmann, András Máté-Tóth, Csaba Máté Sarnyai, Ülo Valk, Tarmo Kulmar, Jānis Priede, Liudmyla O. Fylypovych, Jurij O. Babinov, and Ekaterina Elbakyan.
"Studying Religions should be read by academic religious scholars, especially those interested in the history and content of the academic study of religion in Eastern Europe. This is a book for students and scholars and should be in every university and seminary library worldwide."
Armand J. Boehme, Trinity Lutheran Church, Northfield, Minnesota, Reading Religion (2016)

"This volume nicely takes its place alongside Gregory Alles’ Religious Studies: A Global View (2008) as yet another milestone in documenting the history of the academic study of religion in various regions of the world. [...] It is especially useful to have all of this new material at hand in one English-language volume and brought up to date, given the rapid developments of the last two decades."
William E. Paden, University of Vermont, Numen 64

"This volume brings into view primary sources of materials related to the study of religion in these countries which is relevant not only in understanding the history of this specific discipline but also of the humanities in general."
Donald Wiebe, University of Toronto, Temenos: Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, Vol. 52, No. 2

"This book is first an overview on Religious Studies in Eastern Europe, but also a kind of challenge to the scholars of our days, to the academics of the world, that the Iron Curtain is not just a matter of politics, but that it can also be a matter of our own spiritual eyelids, because whether they are closed or open, says much about our readiness to study religion the proper way, and some of the most remarkable persons from this world of Religious Studies, mentioned in this publication, are demonstrating to us exactly how they do that."
Branko Sekulić, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe XXXVI, No. 3

Potential readers can be recruited not only from Religious Studies, but particularly from worldwide community of scholars, students of the discipline, and of other related disciplines such as History, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Theology, and Oriental Studies.
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