The War Scroll, Violence, War and Peace in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature

Essays in Honour of Martin G. Abegg on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday


This volume is a collection of essays written in honour of Martin G. Abegg from a range of contributors with expertise in Second Temple Jewish literature in reflection upon Prof. Abegg’s work. These essays are arranged according to four topics that deal with various aspects of text, language and interpretation of the Qumran War Scroll, and concepts of war and peace in Second Temple Jewish literature.

The contents of the volume are divided into the following four main sections: (1) The War Scroll, (2) War and Peace in the Hebrew Scriptures, (3) War and Peace in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and (4) War and Peace in early Jewish and Christian texts and interpretation.

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Kipp Davis, Ph.D. (2009), Manchester, is a scholar of early Jewish manuscripts and texts at the University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway. His most recent monograph is The Cave 4 Apocryphon of Jeremiah C and the Qumran Jeremianic Traditions (Brill, 2014).
Kyung S. Baek , Ph.D. (cand.), Manchester, has research interests in early Jewish and Christian texts and interpretations, Christian Origins, and Second Temple Judaism. His most recent publication is Celebrating the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Canadian Collection (SBL, 2011).
Peter W. Flint, Canada Research Chair in Dead Sea Scrolls Studies, Trinity Western University, is the editor of over twenty-five Dead Sea Scrolls, most recently, Eugene Ulrich and Peter W. Flint, Qumran Cave 1.II: The Isaiah Scrolls (Oxford, 2010).
Dorothy M. Peters, Ph.D. is Adjunct Faculty at Trinity Western University and author of Noah Traditions in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Conversations and Controversies of Antiquity (SBLEJL, 2008).

What is particularly impressive about this volume is the depth of analysis and treatment it achieves. First, the collection of essays dealing specifically with the War Scroll comprise a truly unique treatment on the topic, as there are very few volumes in recent years which deal specifically with the War Scroll. Each essay represents a substantive and nuanced presentation on a manuscript which, in my opinion, is ripe for fresh engagement. Second, the volume brings together in one location a wide-ranging collection of essays on violence, war, and peace in the ideological landscape of the late Second Temple period. It is here that this volume is an indispensable work for those interested in how and why these issues take textual and ideological shape within the late Second Temple period, both within Qumran and without.

Mike DeVries, Ancient Jew Review, March 2017
Dorothy M. Peters, Introduction

Emanuel Tov, From Concordance to Concordance: Martin G. Abegg’s Work on Computerizing and Concordancing the Dead Sea Scrolls
Jason Kalman, From “The War Scroll” to A Preliminary Edition of the Unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls


George J. Brooke, Text, Timing and Terror: Thematic Thoughts on the War Scroll in Conversation with the Writings of Martin G. Abegg, jr.
Robert D. Holmstedt and John Screnock, Writing a Descriptive Grammar of the Syntax and Semantics of the War Scroll: The Noun Phrase as Proof of Concept
Anthony R. Meyer, The “Mysteries of God” in the Qumran War Scroll
Kipp Davis, “There and Back Again”: Reconstruction and Reconciliation of the War Texts of 4QMilḥamaa (4Q246a–c)
Dongshin Dohnson Chang, Priestly Covenants in 1QM and 1QSb
Robert Kugler, The War Rule Texts and a New Theory of the People of the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Brief Thought Experiment


Alex Jassen, Violent Imaginaries and Practical Violence in the War Scroll
Brian Schultz, The Naval Battle in the Qumran War Texts
John Kampen, Wisdom, Poverty, and Non-Violence in Instruction
Dorothy M. Peters and Esther Eshel, Cutting Off Shechem: Levi and His Sword in the Rylands Genizah Fragment of the Aramaic Levi Document
James E. Bowley, Prophecy, False Prophecy, and War in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Daniel K. Falk, Prayer, Liturgy and War
Ian Werrett in collaboration with Stephen Parker, Purity in War: What is it Good for?


Torleif Elgvin, Violence, Apologetics, and Resistance: Hasmonaean Ideology and Yaḥad Texts in Dialogue
Craig A. Evans, Jesus, Satan and Holy War in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Kyung S. Baek, The Sword-in-the-Mouth of Jesus the King: Declarations of War and Peace in the Gospel of Matthew
Michael O. Wise, Papyrus Ḥever 30 and the Bar Kokhba Revolt
Steve Delamarter, The Cave 11 Psalm Scroll (11Q5) and the Textual History of Ethiopic Psalm 151: Memory and Interpretation of David as Anointed Warrior
All interested in the Qumran War Scroll, the Dead Sea Scrolls generally, Second Temple Jewish literature, and literary representations of violence, war, and peace in antiquity.
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