Where do we see China’s changes? What are the guiding principles behind these changes? Are China’s diplomatic policies and international strategies more reflective of its own national conditions or international trends? How will China balance its ideology with national interests? How does China see the current international order and its new position within the existing order? Besides answering these basic questions, this volume considers two other important issues: First, the future of China after its era of continuous high-speed growth; and second, (the all-important question in China’s foreign affairs) the future of Sino-US relations?
2013 was China’s first year under new leadership, and there is a consensus amongst researchers of China’s international affairs that the diplomatic practices China undertook to a great extent demonstrated new characteristics, perspectives, and requirements of the new leadership.
Shao Binhong is senior editor of the Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and Secretary-General of China Society of World Economics. Since 1996, she has been managing editor-in-chief of the International Economic Review, one of China’s core periodicals.
Part One: Chinese Foreign Policy
1. Perspective Shifts during the Development of Chinese Diplomacy: From Revolution and Nationalism to Development and Globalization Zhang Baijia
2. China’s Contemporary Foreign Strategy: Ideology, Basic Platform, Current Challenges, and Chinese Characteristic Shi Yinhong
3. China’s Dual-Identity Dilemma and Its Countermeasures Li Shaojun
4. Traditional Chinese Culture and East Asian Security Cooperation Wang Fan
Part Two: International Strategy
5. Repositioning China in 2020 China 2020 Research Team
6. “Marching Westwards”: The Rebalancing of China’s Geostrategy Wang Jisi
7. Power Shift and Change in the International System Yan Xuetong
8. China’s Rise, the Transformation of East Asian Regional Structure, and Development Direction of the East Asian Order Zhou Fangyin
9. Terrestrial and Maritime Territorial Disputes and Their Resolution in the Process of China’s Rise Li Xiangyang
Part Three: World Economy and China
10. The Strategy of China’s Opening-Up under New Circumstances Huang Haizhou and Zhou Chengjun
11. Revisiting the Internationalization of the Yuan Yu Yongding
12. Challenges Facing the Global Governance Mechanism and China’s Counter-Measures He Fan, Feng Weijiang, and Xu Jin
Part Four: Sino-US Relations
13. Building Mutual Trust between China and the US Qian Yingyi, Jia Qingguo, Bai Chong’en and Wang Jisi
14. Sino-US Relations: Ideological Clashes and Competitions Niu Xinchun
Appendix Contributors List
Journal Information
All interested in the current development and changes China is undergoing, especially those interested in China's new international relations and foreign economic policies.