The Legacy of Muslim Spain


The civilisation of medieval Muslim Spain is perhaps the most brilliant and prosperous of its age and has been essential to the direction which civilisation in medieval Europe took.
This volume is the first ever in any language to deal in a really comprehensive manner with all major aspects of Islamic civilisation in medieval Spain.

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'This magnificent volume is surely the most comprehensive of all histories of Islamic Spain...Highly recommended.'
J.P. Berkey, Choice, 1993.
'... major resource in this field for decades to come.'
Roger Allen.
'...monumental collected work...splendid and invaluable volume…'
Richard W. Bulliet, Jrnl of Isl. St., 1994.
'...this work should be praised as an impressive and valuable publication...this obviously indispensable compendium recommended to experts and to everyone interested in the legacy o Muslim Spain.'
Maher Jarrar, Al-Qantara, 1994.
'...presents a wide panorama of life in al-Andalus... It provides the variety of information proper to an encyclopedia... It is a book that each private and public library must own... It combines a high level of scholarship and a wide range of subjects that bring this period of Arab-Islamic history of life…'
Aida A. Bamia, International Journal of Middle-Eastern Studies, 1994.
'This is a significant and scholarly work that is likely to remain of value for some considerable time.'
British Bull. Publ. on Lat.Am., Carribbean, Portugal & Spain, 1995.'
'The Legacy of Muslim Spain is a treasure that all those interested in the development of Iberian peninsula in the Middle Ages can consult with profit...This is an excellent resource for all who wish to learn more about Islamic Spain and its influence on medieval Christendom.'
Joseph O'Callaghan, Renaissance Quarterly, 1997.
'The 500th anniversary of the end of Islamic rule in al-Andalus has been commemorated in various ways. The present not only a most fitting, but also a lasting contribution and memorial to that commemoration.'
S.V. Sicard, Islam and Christian Muslim Relations.
Foreword: Salma Khadra Jayyusi
Mahmoud Makki, The Political History of al-Andalus (92/711-897/1492).
James Dickie, Granada: A Case Study of Arab Urbanism in Muslim Spain.
Robert Hillenbrand, 'The Ornament of the World: Medieval Córdoba as a Cultural Centre.
Rafael Valencia, Islamic Seville: Its Political, Social and Cultural History.
Mikel de Epalza, Mozarabs: An Emblematic Christian Minority in Islamic al-Andalus
Margarita López Gómez, The Mozarabs: Worthy Bearers of Islamic Culture.
L.P. Harvey, The Mudejars.
Raymond P. Scheindlin, The Jews in Muslim Spain.
L.P. Harvey, The Political, Social and Cultural History of the Moriscos.
Madeleine Fletcher, Al-Andalus and North Africa in the Almohad Ideology.
Aziz Al-Azmeh, Mortal Enemies, Invisible Neighbours: Northerners in Andalusī Eyes.
Abbas Hamdani, An Islamic Background to the Voyages of Discovery.
Language and Literature:
Pierre Cachia, Andalusī Belles Lettres.
Salma Khadra Jayyusi, Andalusī Poetry: The Golden Period.
Salma Khadra Jayyusi, Nature Poetry in al-Andalus and the Rise of Ibn Khafāja
James T. Monroe, Zajal and Muwashshaḥa: Hispano-Arabic Poetry and the Romance Tradition.
Lois A. Giffen, Ibn ḥazm and the ṭawq al-ḥamāma
F. Corriente, Linguistic Interference Between Arabic and the Romance Languages of the Iberian Peninsula.
Dieter Messner, Further Listings and Categorisations of Arabic Words in Ibero-Romance Languages.
Roger Boase, Arab Influences on European Love-Poetry
María Rosa Menocal, Al-Andalus and 1492: The Ways of Remembering.
Luce López-Baralt, The Legacy of Islam in Spanish Literature.
Owen Wright, Music in Muslim Spain
Art and Architecture:
Oleg Grabar, Two Paradoxes in the Islamic Art of the Spanish Peninsula.
Jerrillynn Dodds, The Mudejar Tradition in Architecture.
Jerrillynn Dodds, The Arts of al-Andalus.
James Dickie, Space and Volume in Nasrid Architecture.
J.C. Bürgel, Ecstasy and Control in Andalusī Art: Steps towards a New Approach.
A. Fernández-Puertas, Calligraphy in al-Andalus.
Social History and Lifestyle
Pierre Guichard, The Social History of Muslim Spain.
María J. Viguera, Asluḥu li 'l-ma‘ūlī: On the Social Status of Andalusī Women.
David Waines, The Culinary Culture of al-Andalus.
Economic History:
Pedro Chalmeta, An Approximate Picture of the Economy of al-Andalus.
Olivia Remie Constable, Muslim Merchants in Andalusī International Trade.
Miguel Cruz Hernández, Islamic Thought in the Iberian Peninsula.
Jamal al-Din al-‘Alawī, The Philosophy of Ibn Rushd
J.C. Bürgel, Ibn ṭufayl and his ḥayy Ibn Yaqẓān: A Turning Point in Arabic Philosophical Writing.
Religious Studies:
Dominique Urvoy, The ‘Ulamā’ of al-Andalus.
Manuela Marín, Muslim Religious Practices in al-Andalus (2nd/8th- 4th/10th Centuries).
María Isabel Fierro, Heresy in al-Andalus.
Claude Addas, Andalusī Mysticism and the Rise of Ibn ‘Arabī.
Science, Technology and Agriculture:
J. Vernet, Natural and Technical Sciences in al-Andalus.
Julio Samsó, The Exact Sciences in al-Andalus.
Thomas F. Glick, Hydraulic Technology in al-Andalus.
Expiración García Sánchez, Agriculture in Muslim Spain.
Lucie Bolens, The Use of Plants for Dyeing and Clothing.
James Dickie, The Hispano-Arab Garden: Notes towards a Typology.
Charles Burnett, The Translating Activity in Medieval Spain.
Margarita López Gómez, Islamic Civilisation in al-Andalus: A Final Assessment.
Interested laymen, students and scholars of the history and civilization of Muslim Spain, research libraries, institutions.
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