Phenomenological Perspectives on Plurality offers twelve essays that discuss how the question of plurality is thought in contemporary continental philosophy. In particular, its essays investigate how this issue influences topics in ontology, aesthetics, and social and political philosophy as well as other fields.
In the wake of the critique of metaphysics as onto-theology, the question of plurality has become a central focus of philosophy today. This question does not only give rise to rethink the beginning of metaphysics as well as some of its basic concepts, such as the notion of God, but also influences the contemporary conception of art, identity and community.
Gert-Jan van der Heiden (1976), Radboud University, Nijmegen, is Professor of Metaphysics. He mainly publishes on contemporary continental philosophy, including his recent
Ontology after Ontotheology: Plurality, Event, and Contingency in Contemporary Philosophy.
Introduction: Thinking Plurality
1. Plurality and the Disintegration of Difference
John Sallis 2. Plurality and the Question of God
Ben Vedder 3. Decentered-ness: Phenomenological Explorations
Günter Figal 4. Reinventing the Wheel: Of Sovereignty, Autobiography, and Deconstruction
Michael Naas 5. Identity or Identities? The In-Between of “No Longer and not Yet”
Sanem Yazıcıoğlu 6. Towards a Community of the Plural: Philosophical Pluralism, Hermeneutics, and Practice
Nicholas Davey 7. The Responsibility to Understand
Theodore George 8. Philosophy in the Plural: A View from Radical Exteriority
Alejandro A. Vallega 9. Origin, Freedom, and Gelassenheit: On Heidegger’s Second “Country Path Conversation”
Holger Zaborowski 10. The Hermeneutic Phenomenological Approach to Plurality: Arendt, Habermas, and Gadamer
Veronica Vasterling 11. A System of Heterogenesis: Deleuze on Plurality
Martijn Boven 12. Deciding on Plurality? Plato’s Parmenides between Badiou and Agamben
Gert-Jan van der Heiden
All interested in contemporary continental philosophy and anyone concerned with the topic of plurality in philosophy.