Conflicting Values of Inquiry

Ideologies of Epistemology in Early Modern Europe


Historical research in previous decades has done a great deal to explore the social and political context of early modern natural and moral inquiries. Particularly since the publication of Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer’s Leviathan and the Air-Pump (1985) several studies have attributed epistemological stances and debates to clashes of political and theological ideologies. The present volume suggests that with an awareness of this context, it is now worth turning back to questions of the epistemic content itself. The contributors to the present collection were invited to explore how certain non-epistemic values had been turned into epistemic ones, how they had an effect on epistemic content, and eventually how they became ideologies of knowledge playing various roles in inquiry and application throughout early modern Europe.

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Pages: 407–410
Tamás Demeter is Research Group Leader at the Institute of Philosophy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and teaches at the University of Pécs, Hungary. He received his PhD from the University of Cambridge and has published widely on the connections of early modern natural and moral philosophies.

Kathryn Murphy, D.Phil. (2009), is Fellow and Tutor in English Literature at Oriel College, Oxford. Her research focuses on early modern English prose, discourses of knowledge, and the reception of ancient philosophy.

Claus Zittel teaches German literature and philosophy at the Universities of Stuttgart, Frankfurt am Main, and Olsztyn (Poland), and is deputy director of the Stuttgart Research Centre for Text Studies. He has published monographs, editions and many articles on Early Modern Philosophy and Literature and Philosophy, including The Artist as Reader (Brill 2013).

“this book is indispensable not only for those who want to know the intellectual panorama of the time, but also for those who want to understand the basis of rationality and historicity that constitutes epistemological thinking associated with ethical-moral development at the dawn of modernity."
Luiz C. Bombassaro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. In: Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 69, No. 4 (Winter 2016), pp. 1470-1471.
List of illustrations
Notes on Editors and Contributors

Values, Norms and Ideologies in Early Modern Inquiry: An Introduction
Tamás Demeter

Reason and Common Culture in Early-Modern Natural Philosophy: Variations on an Epistemic Theme
Peter Dear

Devices and Epistemic Values

Sixteenth-Century Hydraulic Engineers and the Emergence of Empiricism
Matteo Valleriani

Visual Perception and the Cartesian Concept of Mind: Descartes and the Camera Obscura
Daniel Schmal

The Epistemology of Testimony

Testimony and Empiricism: John Sergeant, John Locke, and the Social History of Truth
John Henry

Eight Days of Darkness in 1600: Hume on Whether Testimony Can Establish Miracles
Falk Wunderlich

Religion and Inquiry

Kepler’s Revolutionary Astronomy: Theological Unity as a Comprehensive View of the World
Giora Hon

Natural Theology as Superstition: David Hume and the Changing Ideology of Natural Inquiry
Tamás Demeter

The Problem of Parallels as a Protestant Issue in Eighteenth-Century Hungary
János Tanács

Values in Controversy

Newton’s Strategic Manoeuvring with Simple Colours and Diagrams: A Radical Historical Interpretation
Gábor Áron Zemplén

The Birth of Epistemological Controversy from the Spirit of Conflict Avoidance: Hobbes on Science and Geometry
Axel Gelfert

The Methods and Epistemic Virtues of a ‘Science of Man’

Analytic and Synthetic Method in the Human Sciences: A Hope that Failed
Thomas Sturm

The Science of Man and the Invention of Usable Traditions
Eric Schliesser

Ethics in Epistemology

Francis Bacon on Charity and the Ends of Knowledge
Sorana Corneanu

Spinoza’s Ethics: A Dominion within a Dominion
Ruth Lorand

What was Kant’s Critical Philosophy Critical of?
Catherine Wilson

All interested in the history of early modern philosophy and science, intellectual history, and historical philosophy of science.
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