Grammatical Gender in Interaction

Cultural and Cognitive Aspects


In Grammatical Gender in Interaction: Cultural and Cognitive Aspects Angeliki Alvanoudi explores the relation between grammatical gender in person reference, culture and cognition in Modern Greek conversation. The author investigates the cultural and cognitive aspects of grammatical gender, by drawing on feminist sociolinguistic and non-linguistic approaches, cognitive linguistics, research on linguistic relativity, studies on person reference in interaction and conversation analysis. The study presented in this book shows that the use of grammatical gender contributes to the routine achievement of sociocultural gender in interaction and that grammatical gender guides speakers’ thinking of referents as female or male at the time of speaking.

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Angeliki Alvanoudi, Ph.D. (2013), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Cairns Institute, James Cook University. She has published articles on language and gender, and issues of interdisciplinarity in Women’s/Gender Studies.
Scholars interested in research on language and gender, sociolinguistics, conversation analysis, and Women’s/Gender Studies.
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