Circum Mare: Themes in Ancient Warfare


Circum Mare: Themes in Ancient Warfare presents a thematic approach to current directions in ancient military studies with case studies on topics including the economics of warfare, military cohesion, military authority, irregular warfare, and sieges. Bringing together research on cultures from across the Mediterranean world, ranging from Pharaonic Egypt to Late Antique Europe and from Punic Spain to Persian Anatolia, the collection demonstrates both the breadth of the current field and a surprising number of synergies.

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Pages: 283–316
Pages: 317–320
Jeremy Armstrong, Ph.D. (2009), University of St Andrews, is now a Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland. He has published on various aspects of early Roman history, archaeology, and warfare, including War and Society in Early Rome: From Warlords to Generals (Cambridge, 2016) and the co-edited Rituals of Triumph (Brill, 2013).

Contributors are: Jeremy Armstrong, Lee L. Brice, Ralph Covino, James Kierstead, Brett Heagren, Mark Hebblewhite, John W.I. Lee, David Nolan, Louis Rawlings, Nathan Rosenstein, Matthew Trundle, Anthony Spalinger, and Jeroen Wijnendaele.

Lee L. Brice

1 War and Society in the Ancient World: An Introduction
Jeremy Armstrong

Military Narratives
2 Simple Words, Simple Pictures: The Link between the Snapshots of Battle and the War Diary Entries in Ancient Egypt
Anthony Spalinger
3 Caesar’s Exempla and the Role of Centurions in Battle
David Nolan

The Economics of Warfare
4 Coinage and the Economics of the Athenian Empire
Matthew Trundle
5 Tributum in the Middle Republic
Nathan Rosenstein

Military Cohesion
6 The Ties that Bind: Military Cohesion in Archaic Rome
Jeremy Armstrong
7 Sacramentum Militiae: Empty Words in an Age of Chaos
Mark Hebblewhite
Military Authority
8 Circumscribing Imperium: Power and Regulation in the Republican Province
Ralph Covino
9 The Delian and Second Athenian Leagues: The Perspective of Collective Action
James Kierstead

Irregular Warfare
10 ‘Warlordism’ and the Disintegration of the Western Roman Army
Jeroen W.P. Wijnendaele
11 The Significance of Insignificant Engagements: Irregular Warfare during the Punic Wars
Louis Rawlings

Fortifications and Sieges
12 ‘Siege Warfare’ in Ancient Egypt, as Derived from Select Royal and Private Battle Scenes
Brett H. Heagren
13 Tissaphernes and the Achaemenid Defense of Western Anatolia, 412–395bc
John W.I. Lee


This volume is of interest to anyone interested in warfare in the Ancient Mediterranean, including institutes, academic libraries, public libraries, specialists, post-graduate students, undergraduate students, practitioners, and educated laymen.
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