Dialogue in the Book of Signs offers a polyvalent analysis of John 1:19-12:50 at the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels. With the help of several synchronic methods, including genre, narrative, rhetorical, and dramatic studies, the author analyzes the content, form, and function of John’s dialogue. Thus, the divine-human dialogue, which is interwoven within the text, provides a key to the understanding of the dialogue between the narrator and the reader.
In this volume, after setting a background and a theoretical framework, an extensive exploration of dialogue at the exchange, episode, and narrative levels is offered. The connection of dialogue with other literary aspects such as monologues, signs, I AM sayings, and metaphors is also established. Thus, this study provides a comprehensive understanding of dialogue in John 1-12.
Johnson Thomaskutty, Ph.D. (2014), Radboud University Nijmegen, is Associate Professor of New Testament and Greek Language at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India. He has published a book on Bible translation and thirty academic articles in India. His forthcoming monograph is entitled
Didymus Judas Thomas: New Testament, Apocrypha, and Historical Traditions.
"Thomaskutty’s extensive research, eclectic methodology, expanded focus on the functions of dialogue in multiple narrative relationships, and his sheer industry and attention to detail will establish this volume as an important resource for the ongoing study of the role of dialogue within the Fourth Gospel"
Alan Culpepper,
All interested in having a comprehensive understanding of dialogue in John 1-12.