W.G. Sebald

Schreiben ex patria / Expatriate Writing


Volume Editor:
This volume presents the work of internationally renowned scholars from Australia, Germany, Italy, South Africa, the UK and the US. The focus on W.G. Sebald’s writing as that of an expatriate author offers a fresh and productive approach to Sebald scholarship. In one way or another, all 28 essays in this innovative, bi-lingual collection take up the notion of Sebald’s experience as an expatriate writer: be it in the analysis of intertextual, transmedial and generic border crossings, on the “exposure to the other” and the experience of alterity, on the question of identity construction and performance, on affinities with other expatriate writers, on the recurring topics of “home”, “exile”, “dislocation” and “migration”, or on the continuing work of “memory” to work through and to preserve the consciousness of a destructive past that has informed the childhood as much as the adult life-world of the author.

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Pages: 523–527
Gerhard Fischer is Head of German Studies at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. His research interests and publications are in modern theatre and drama, World War I, and migration history and multiculturalism. As convenor of the Sydney German Studies Symposia, he has edited a number of volumes on modern German literature, including Heiner Müller: ConTEXTS and HISTORY (Tübingen 1995), Debating Enzensberger: Great Migration and Civil War (Tübingen 1996), and, with David Roberts, Schreiben nach der Wende: Ein Jahrzehnt deutscher Literatur, 1989–1999 (2nd.ed. Tübingen 2008). The latest volume in the series is The Play within the Play (with Bernhard Greiner, Amsterdam/New York, NY 2007).
Editor’s Note
Abbreviations / Sigla
Gerhard Fischer: Introduction: W.G. Sebald’s Expatriate Experience and His Literary Beginnings
I. Territorial Strategies
Gerhard Fischer: Schreiben ex patria: W.G. Sebald und die Konstruktion einer literarischen Identität
Judith Ryan: “Lines of Flight”: History and Territory in The Rings of Saturn
J.J. Long: W.G. Sebald: The Ambulatory Narrative and the Poetics of Digression
Martin Klebes: No Exile: Crossing the Border with Sebald and Améry
Gunther Pakendorf: Als Deutscher in der Fremde. Heimat, Geschichte und Natur bei W.G. Sebald
II. Memory and History
Bettina Mosbach: Blinder Fleck – Zur Reflexion der Gewalt der Darstellung bei W.G. Sebald
Karen Remmler: Against the Integration of Atrocity into Disaster: W.G. Sebald’s Work of Memory
Gay Hawkins: History in Things – Sebald and Benjamin on Transience and Detritus
Claire Feehily: “The surest engagement with memory lies in its perpetual irresolution”. The Work of W.G. Sebald as Counter-Monument
James L. Cowan: Sebald’s Austerlitz and the Great Library: A Documentary Study
Peter Morgan: Literature and National Redemption in W.G. Sebald’s On the Natural History of Destruction
III. Philosophical and Narrative Strategies
Michael Mack: Between Elias Canetti and Jacques Derrida: Satire and the Role of Fortifications in the Work of W.G. Sebald
Helmut Schmitz: Zweierlei Allegorie: W.G. Sebalds Austerlitz und Stephan Wackwitz’ Ein unsichtbares Land
Ben Hutchinson: “Seemann” oder “Ackermann”? Einige Überlegungen zu Sebalds Lektüre von Walter Benjamins Essay “Der Erzähler”
Klaus R. Scherpe: Auszeit des Erzählens – W.G. Sebalds Poetik der Beschreibung
Lynn Wolff: Literary Historiography: W.G. Sebald’s Fiction
IV. Intermedial and Literary-Critical Strategies
Rolf G. Renner: Intermediale Identitätskonstruktion: Zu W.G. Sebalds Austerlitz
Alan Corkhill: Angles of Vision in Sebald’s After Nature and Unrecounted
Deane Blackler: Sebald’s Strange Cinematic Prose: stasis and kinesis
George Kouvaros: Images that Remember Us: Photography and Memory in Austerlitz
Manfred Jurgensen: Creative Reflection: W.G. Sebald’s Critical Essays and Literary Fiction
Manfred Durzak: Sebald – der unduldsame Kritiker. Zu seinen literarischen Polemiken gegen Sternheim und Andersch
Hans-Christoph Graf v. Nayhauss: Adler und Sebald, Lichtenstein und Grass: Vom Umgang mit Dokumentationen bei der literarischen Produktion
V. Intertextual Strategies
Richard Bales: Homeland and Displacement: The Status of the Text in Sebald and Proust
Maria E. Brunner: Gesteigerte Formen der Wahrnehmung in Schwindel. Gefühle
Christiane Weller: Die Melancholie des Ortes. Stadt, Gewalt und Erinnerung
Gabriele Eckart: Against “Cartesian Rigidity”: W.G. Sebald’s Reception of Borges
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