In the extension of digital media from optional means to central site of activity, the domains of language, art, learning, play, film, and politics have been subject to radical reconfigurations as mediating structures. This book examines how this changed relationship has in each case shaped a new form of discourse between self and culture and illustrates explicitly the character of mediated agency beyond the formal separateness from lived experience that was once conveniently termed the virtual and which has come to influence common assumptions about creative expression itself.
Francisco J. Ricardo is Research Associate at the University Professors Program and co-director of the Digital Video Research Archive at Boston University, and teaches digital media theory at the Rhode Island School of Design. He has degrees from Harvard University and Boston University. His research examines historical, conceptual, and computational intersections between contemporary and new media art.
Preface: ‘Until Something Else’ – A Theoretical Introduction
PART 1 The Empirical Francisco J. RICARDO: Formalisms of Digital Text
Sheizaf RAFAELI, Tsahi HAYAT, Yaron ARIEL: Knowledge Building and Motivations in Wikipedia: Participation as “Ba”
Mahmoud EID: On the Way to the Cyber-Arab-Culture: International Communication, Telecommunications Policies, and Democracy
Rita ZALTSMAN: The Challenge of Intercultural Electronic Learning: English as Lingua Franca
PART 2 The Aesthetic Nicole RIDGWAY and Nathaniel STERN: The Implicit Body
Leman GIRESUNLU: Cyborg Goddesses: the Mainframe Revisited
Maria BÄCKE: De-Colonizing Cyberspace: Post-Colonial Strategies in Cyberfiction
Tony RICHARDS: The Différance Engine: Videogames as Deconstructive Spacetime
Alev ADIL and Steve KENNEDY: Technology on Screen: Projections, Paranoia and Discursive practice
Seppo KUIVAKARI: Desistant Media
List of Contributors