Managing Environmental Justice


Volume Editor:
Environmental justice is the subtext of this collection of anxieties around the need for a sustainable future on Planet Earth. Thinkers and scholars from a diversity of backgrounds reflect on what it means and how cultures must change to greet this future. From Romania to Mexico, Bosnia to Canada, Sweden to California authors analyze and recount community experiences and expectations leading to justice for land, sea, air and wildlife. The kind of ethical weltanschauung for a society in which this kind of justice is achievable is suggested. The collection points to the myriad of single instance decisions that we must all make in living our daily lives whether in our homes, workplaces or leisure time. From good policies to sound management, governments, corporations and community-based organizations will find prudent praxis from cover to cover.

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Preliminary Material
Editor(s): Dennis Pavlich
Pages: i–xiii
Editor(s): Dennis Pavlich
Pages: 269–272
Notes on Contributors
Editor(s): Dennis Pavlich
Pages: 273–274
Dennis Pavlich: Introduction
List of Abbreviations
Values and Signification: Foundations for Environmental Justice
Mark H. Dixon: Environmental Virtue Ethics: Core Concepts and Values
Eurig Scandrett: Knowledge and Valuation in Environmental Justice Struggles
Rasmus Karlsson: Advanced Technology Paths to Intergenerational Justice
Heuristic Strategies on Political, Economic and Social Issues
Joanna Burch Brown: Compensation and Climate Change: Three Exploratory Games
Lucie Middlemiss: Community Action for Individual Sustainability: Linking Sustainable Consumption, Citizenship and Justice
Mary Stroud: Eco-Composition Pedagogy: The Environmental Imperative for L’écriture Féminine
F. Medardo Tapia Uribe: Building Democratic Citizenship on Environmental Local Problems in Mexico
Environmental Justice and Law
Sofia de Abreu Ferreira: Fundamental Environmental Rights in EU Law: An Analysis of the Right of Access to Environmental Information
Erika Techera: Customary Law and Community Based Conservation of Marine Areas in Fiji
Precarious Technologies?
Rafaela Hillerbrand: Unintended Consequences and Risky Technologies: A Virtue-Ethical Approach to the Moral Problems Caused by Genetic Engineering
Nicoleta Dospinescu: The Marketing of GM Products: Between Economic Growth and Ecology
Embedding Environmental Justice in Local, Social Frameworks
Vanesa Castán Broto and Claudia Carter: Environmental Justice within Local Discourses about Coal-Ash Pollution in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Elaine Anderson: Adaptations to Environmental Sustainability: The Story of the Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust
Dennis Pavlich and Spencer Rose: University Autonomy and Sustainability: A Case Study of the University of British Columbia
Notes on Contributors
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