The First Translations of Machiavelli’s Prince

From the Sixteenth to the First Half of the Nineteenth Century


Volume Editor:
This book is the first complete study of the translations of Machiavelli’s Prince made in Europe and the Mediterranean countries during the period from the sixteenth to the first half of the nineteenth century: the first, unpublished French translation by Jacques de Vintimille (1546), the first Latin translation by Silvestro Tegli (1560), as well as the first translations in Dutch (1615), German (1692), Swedish (1757) and Arabic (1824). The first translation produced in Spain - dated somewhere between the end of the sixteenth and the early seventeenth century - remained in manuscript form, while there was a second vernacular Spanish version around 1680. The situation in Great Britain was different from the rest of Europe, as it could boast four manuscript translations by the end of the sixteenth century.

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Roberto De Pol, Member of Associazione Italiana di Germanistica, of IVG (International Association for Germanic Studies) and of “Internationales Mediävistisches Colloquium”, teaches German Literature at the University of Genoa (Italy). He has written books and essays on Medieval and Baroque German Literature, Schiller, Hoffmann, Kleist and was the editor of the first published German translation of Machiavelli’s Prince (Nicolai Machiavellis Lebens- und Regierungs-Maximen eines Fürsten (1714), Berlin, Weidler, 2006), whose anonymous author he could identify with Joachim Christoph Nemeitz.
”This enterprising research project has had a highly successful beginning, and we can look forward with keen interest to its second stage.” - John Roe (York), in: ARCHIV 248.2, 2011, pp. 376-8
Jacob Soll: Introduction: Translating The Prince by Many Hands
Roberto De Pol: Translation and Circulation: Introduction to a research project
Nella Bianchi Bensimon: La première traduction française
Caterina Mordeglia: The first Latin translation
Alessandra Petrina: A Florentine Prince in Queen Elizabeth’s court
María Begoña Arbulu Barturen: La primera traducción española
Francesca Terrenato: The first Dutch translation
Serena Spazzarini: The first German translation
Paolo Marelli: The first translation in Scandinavia
Arap El Ma’ani: The first Arabic translation
Chronological Summary
Distribution of Manuscripts and Printings
Comparison of Selected Passages
The Introduction to the first Arabic translation
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