Gert-Joachim GLAESSNER: Introduction. I EAST GERMANY AND THE LEGACIES OF THE PAST. Henry KRISCH: German Unification and East German Political Culture: Interaction and Change. Gert-Joachim GLAESSNER: Political Culture and the Aftershocks of Revolutionary Change in Germany. Cathleen KANTNER: Blockierte Potentiale. Meinungsbildungsprozesse in der DDR der achtziger Jahre. Georgi VERBEECK: Confronting the Nazi Experience in the GDR. Ian WALLACE: German Intellectuals and Unification. Fred EIDLIN: Some Thoughts on the Collapse of the GDR and its Consequences. Gert-Joachim GLAESSNER: Parties, Interest Groups and Political Participation. II GERMANY AND HER NEIGHBOURS. Friso WIELENGA: The German Factor in Dutch Foreign Policy since 1945. Jean V. POULARD: The French Perception of German Unification. August PRADETTO: After the Bipolar World: Germany and her European Neighbours.