The subjects found in this book represent a cross-section of current research topics in computational linguistics and are related to the fields of grammatical description, statistical modelling and natural language technology. Grammatical description is included in the form of work on HPSG, both the application of HPSG and investigation of the structure of HPSG itself. Another popular methodology, statistical modelling, is amply present as well: there are papers on the use of statistical models in such varied areas as language evolution, phonotactics, index term identification and bilingual dictionary creation. Finally, as can also be seen from the latter two subjects, computational linguistics is closely related to natural language technology systems and resources. This is shown by papers on document analysis, controlled languages, text generation and lexicon acquisition.
STATISTICAL MODELS. Ted BRISCOE: Language as a Complex Adaptive System. Coevolution of Language and of the Language Acquisition Device. Djoerd HIEMSTRA: Multilingual Domain Modelling in Twenty-One. Automatic Creation of a Bi-directional Translation Lexicon from a Parallel Corpus. Timo LAHTINEN: The Use of an Index Term Corpus for the Development of an Automatic Indexer. Ivelin STOIANOV, John NERBONNE and Huub BOUMA: Modelling the Phonotactic Structure of Natural Language Words with Simple Recurrent Networks. LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION WITH HPSG. Paola MONACHESI: The Morphosyntax of Romanian Cliticization. Frank VAN EYNDE: The Immediate Dominance Schemata of HPSG. A Deconstruction and a Reconstruction. Margriet VERLINDEN: Implementation of Optional Specifiers in a Lexicalist Framework. Shuly WINTNER: The Affixal Nature of the Definite Article in Hebrew. TOWARDS PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. Bas VAN BAKEL and Reinier BOON: Principle-Based Structured Concept Generation. A Contribution to Knowledge-Based Document Indexing. Pim VAN DER EIJK: Controlled Languages in Technical Documentation. Erwin MARSI: A Reusable Syntactic Generator for Dutch. Svetlana SHEREMETYEVA and Sergei NIRENBURG: Minimizing Acquisition and Development Effort in Computational Morphology.