The Druzes

A New Study of their History, Faith and Society

When this book was first published in 1984, it was the first extensive study of the Druzes to appear for many years. A small community native only in Lebanon, Syria and Palestine, the Druzes have exercised an influence around them greater than their numerical strength. Living for the most part in mountainous territories they have maintained an independent existence for a thousand years.
This book places the beliefs of the Druzes in the context of the history of Shī‘ism in its Ismā‘īlī form, from which their faith developed. It also describes the role of the Druze community in the history of Lebanon and Syria. In the preparation of this book, the author, a Druze herself, has made use not only of the readily available Arabic and European sources but also of documents and manuscripts that are less easily accessible.

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'...ce livre fera mieux comprendre une communauté présente à la fois en Syrie, au Liban et en Israël, et aujourd'hui au premier plan du saglant imbroglio proche-oriental...'
l'Histoire, 1985.
' be greatly welcomed both for the thoroughness of its scholarship and the additional material it makes available to Western readers.'
Robert Brenton Betts, International Jrnl. of M.e. Studies, 1989.
'...le présent ouvrage est exemplaire, réussissant parfaitement à reconstituer l'histoire d'une tradition pourtant impalpable...'
Alain Touwaide, Scriptorium, 1992.
students and scholars of Middle Eastern history and religion.
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