The essays collected here represent the latest thinking on postmodernism in a number of key areas: economics, law, postcolonialism, literature, feminism, film, philosophy. One of the issues common to the volume is the desire to cast postmodernism in a predominantly ethical ('just') light, and the opportunities and obstacles postmodernism might place in the path of the description of, and search for, justice. The collection highlights the most recent trends in postmodern thinking, the turn away from postmodernism as mere discourse and language games to a more politically and socially engaged forum. The book will be of interest to all students of contemporary cultural, social and critical thought.
Steven EARNSHAW: Just Postmodernism: Introduction. Stella SWAIN: Postmodern Narratives and the Absurdity of Law. John PHILLIPS: Just Sentences: The Incalculable in Postmodern Justice. Gary DAY: Totalling Up Postmodernism. Edward FULLBROOK: Postmodernising
Homo Economicus. Geraldine STONEHAM: Mastering Timespace: Virtual Reality and Post-colonial Time Travel. John MCLEOD: Living In-Between: Interstitial Spaces of Possibility in Timothy Mo's
Sour Sweet. Deborah MADSEN: The Racial Dominant: Postmodernism and American Ethnic Women's Fiction. Paulina PALMER: Lesbian Fiction and the Postmodern: Genre, Narrativity, Sexual Politics. Kate FULLBROOK: The Godfather: Borges and the Ethics of the Labyrinth. Luigi CAZZATO: From Elitist Modernism to Populist Postmodernism? Margherita GANERI: The Postmodern Revival of the Historical Novel in Italy: Aesthetic and Cultural Implications. Kevin DONNELLY: Postmodern Cinema? La Cinéma Postmoderne Expliquée Aux Enfants. Esther SONNET: Desire and Delusion: Allegories of Postmodern Heterosexuality. Jamie BRASSETT: Become-Cyborg! (A Pierced-Tongued Call to Prosthetic Arms).