This volume presents ten new essays on the work of Wilfrid Sellars and its implications for contemporary philosophy. Contributors run the gamut from established voices in the Sellarsian literature to the newest voices in the field. It addresses topics ranging from cognitive science and philosophy of mind to epistemology and the philosophy of language. This volume is of interest to those studying cognitive development, perception, justification and semantics. It will also be of great interest to anyone following the recent work of John McDowell or Robert Brandom.
Michael P. Wolf is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy and currently Director of the Cognitive Science Program at California State University, Fresno.
Mark Norris Lance is a Professor at Georgetown University in both the philosophy department and the Program on Justice and Peace.
Mark N. LANCE and Michael P. WOLF: Preface
Michael P. WOLF: Introduction
Terry PINKARD: Sellars the Post-Kantian?
Willem DEVRIES: Folk Psychology, Theories, and the Sellarsian Roots
Timm TRIPLETT and Willem DEVRIES: Is Sellars’s Rylean Hypothesis Plausible? A Dialogue
David FORMAN: Learning and the Necessity of Non-Conceptual Content in Sellars’s “Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind”
Jeremy Randel KOONS: Sellars, Givenness, and Epistemic Priority
Susanna SCHELLENBERG: Sellarsian Perspectives on Perception and Non-Conceptual Content
Matthew BURSTEIN: Prodigal Epistemology: Coherence, Holism, and the Sellarsian Tradition
Mark Owen WEBB: Meeting Others in the Space of Reasons: Fallibilism for Sellarsians
Michael P. WOLF: Sellars on the Revision of Theoretical Commitments
Jaroslav PEREGRIN: Developing Sellars’s Semantic Legacy: Meaning as a Role