"Pouring Jewish Water into Fascist Wine"

Untold Stories of (Catholic) Jews from the Archive of Mussolini’s Jesuit Pietro Tacchi Venturi. Volume II


The aim of the second part of the project on the impact of the racial laws under the Mussolini regime is to offer the reader a critical edition and an English translation of 139 letters that were exchanged between the victims of those laws (and their relatives and friends) and the Jesuit Pietro Tacchi Venturi (1861–1956) who interceded with the Fascist government in order to circumvent or alleviate various provisions of the 1938 anti-Jewish legislation.

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Robert Aleksander Maryks, PhD (2006) in history, Fordham University, is associate professor of history, associate director of the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, and editor of Jesuit Sources at Boston College. He has published on various aspects of the history of the Jesuits, including, most recently, A Companion to Ignatius of Loyola (Brill, 2014) and Exploring Jesuit Distinctiveness (Brill, 2016). He is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Jesuit Studies, the book series Jesuit Studies, and the Boston College Jesuit Bibliography: The New Sommervogel.   
List of Abbreviations
List of Illustrations
Map of Italy in 1938


1. Enrico Angioli
2. Gabriella Aruch
3. Gertrud Baumgarten
4. Eugenio Berger
5. Roberto Berger
6. Giacomo Bergmann
7. Aurelio Brückner
8. Alberto Calderoni
9. Silvio and Lya Calimani
10. Walter Cardoso
11. Augusto Cassuto
12. Massimiliano Cohen
13. Nadejda De Poliakoff
14. Giuseppe Ehrman
15. Arrigo Garsony
16. Emerico Gut
17. Bindo Hannau
18. Marfriede Jeannette Hettner
19. Renato Hirsch
20. Eugenio Lampronti
21. Fulvio Levi
22. Giorgio Levi
23. Mario Levi
24. Tullio Maestro
25. Giorgio Mondovì
26. Guido Morelli
27. Mario Paggi
28. Giulio Davide Pauletti
29. Umberto Sacerdote
30. Mario Samaja
31. Jakob Schwarz
32. Max Sommerfeld
33. Erich Spitz
34. Edmondo Tedeschi
35. Antonio Toribolo
36. Gioconda Vitale
37. Sigmund Weigl
38. Giulia Zacutti
39. Adele Zangen Chodroner
40. Guido Zargani
41. Alfredo Zeller

All those interested in the history of Jesuits, of Catholicism and its relation to Judaism, of Italian fascism, and of racial laws.
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