Within international linguistics, the study of Slavic languages enjoys considerable interest. The extensive coverage of Slavic languages in the Linguistic Bibliography is evidence of this. The Bibliography of Slavic Linguistics, 2000-2014 brings together the details of over 67,000 unique publications, carefully selected, classified, cross-referenced and indexed by professional bibliographers: it gives a complete overview of the field of studies since the beginning of this century. All contributing bibliographers are specialized Slavists themselves, guaranteeing the quality of the descriptions and annotations. The selection includes over thirty publication languages including publications in Finnish, Estonian, Greek, Albanian, Dutch, English, German, Japanese, Hebrew as well as other languages. Marc L. Greenberg’s Introduction gives an overview of the state of scholarship in Slavic linguistics and the directions in which the field is headed. The 3 volumes are thematically and geographically ordered in the sections General, Slavic, South Slavic, West Slavic and East Slavic. All references are classified according to a sophisticated classification scheme (over 100 subject classes), refined with an extensive language and subject keyword index.
Key features:
• Over 67,000 records;
• Covering all Slavic languages including minor and even extinct ones e.g. Bosnian, Pomeranian, Rusyn, High and Low Sorbian as well as Church Slavonic;
• Titles are given in their original languages, with translations provided whenever relevant;
• Titles in Cyrillic script are uniformly transcribed in Latin script according to current scientific standards.
Sijmen Tol studied Slavic linguistics at Utrecht University and Book and Library Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. He has been a permanent member of the editorial team of Linguistic Bibliography since 1986 and has been with Brill since 2008.
Marc L. Greenberg, PhD 1990 University of California, Los Angeles, is Professor of Slavic Languages at the University of Kansas.
René Genis, PhD 2008 University of Amsterdam, is lecturer in Slavic Linguistics at the University of Amsterdam and a permanent member of the editorial team of Linguistic Bibliography at Brill.
The content of the Bibliography of Slavic Linguistics, 2000–2014 is highly recommended for libraries in institutions that have programs in Slavic linguistics. - Karen Rondestvedt, in Slavic & East European Information Resources 17.4.
The Bibliography of Slavic linguistics: 2000–2014 is a comprehensive guide to finding anything and everything ever published on a particular topic pertaining to Slavic linguistics within this fifteen-year period. Editors Sijmen Tol, coordinator of the Linguistic Bibliography project at Brill, and René Genis, Ekaterina Bobyleva, and Eline van der Veken, all members of the Linguistic Bibliography team, have ample experience in compiling bibliographies—experience that is displayed on every page of this work. - Rosemarie Connolly in
Journal of Slavic Linguistics
Everyone interested in the study of Slavic Languages and Linguistics as well as those interested general linguistics, pragmatics, semantics and typology.