Co-publication with: The Hague Academy of International Law.
Walid Kassir, né le 12 avril 1965 à Beyrouth (Liban).
Licencié en droit de la faculté de droit et de sciences politiques de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (1987, licence équivalente à la maîtrise française), boursier du gouvernement français (pour les études de troisième cycle à Paris), DEA de droit international privé et de droit du commerce international de l’Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I, 1988), chargé de TD à l’Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I) de 1988 à 1992, docteur en droit de l’Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I, juillet 1992, thèse
Etude critique du contrat sans loi, sous la direction du professeur Paul Lagarde), habilité à diriger les recherches de l’Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I, 1992), LL.M Harvard Law School (1993), professeur invité à Puerto Rico University Law School (semestre d’été 1993, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA).
Avocat à la Cour (barreau de Beyrouth, depuis 1994) et consultant. Professeur
(Part-Time) à la Lebanese American University (Business School, 1994-2001), chargé de cours à la faculté de droit et de sciences politiques de l’Université Saint-Joseph (1994-2001).
Professeur à la faculté de droit et de sciences politiques de l’Université Saint-Joseph (Beyrouth, depuis 2001), membre du comité de rédaction de la
Revue libanaise de l’arbitrage arabe et international (depuis 1996), membre du conseil du Centre d’études des droits du monde arabe (CEDROMA, USJ, 2001-2003), président suppléant du conseil de discipline de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (2006 à 2008), membre du conseil de la faculté de droit et de sciences politiques de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (2008-2011), membre de la commission du ministère libanais de la Justice pour la modernisation et l’unification des lois (depuis 1995) et diverses commissions similaires (au barreau de Beyrouth également), président du Comité Machreq et de la délégation Moyen-Orient de la Cour européenne d’arbitrage (depuis 2013), cofondateur et secrétaire général de la Fondation Samir Kassir (ex-vice-président).
María Blanca Noodt Taquela, born 18 June 1952, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Ph.D., University of Buenos Aires (2011); J.D. University of Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1977).
Professor of Private International Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA) (since 1985); part-time Professor (since 2000); Dean of Postgraduate Law School of the University of Belgrano (Buenos Aires, Argentina) (since 2013); Professor of Private International Law, International Transactions, Comparative Law and International Arbitration for several Master of Laws: LL.M. in Law and Economics, UBA (2002-2009); LLM on Private International Law, UBA (since 2007); LL.M. on Commercial and Business Law, UBA (since 2008); LL.M. in Business Law, Austral University (since 1995); Professor for the course on International Jurisdictional Co-operation in the European Union and Mercosur in the framework of the Jean Monnet Co-operation Programme, UBA (2006); Professor of Postgraduate Specialisation Course in International Law, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (since 1999); Master of Laws Professor: LL.M. in Economic Law, University Andina Simón Bolivar, La Paz, Bolivia (1998 -2010); Visiting Professor for Universities in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Spain, United Kingdom and Uruguay.
Coach for the UBA Student Team participating in the International Commercial Arbitration Moot organized by the University of Buenos Aires (since 2008); Researcher for the Gioja Institute, University of Buenos Aires (since 2001); Director of the Research Team on Application of the Most Favourable Rules in Private International Law, University of Buenos Aires (2012-2015); Director of the Private International Law Section of the Argentine Association of International Law (AADI) (since 2013).
Member of the Editorial Board of several law reviews and also a member of various Argentinean and International Academies and Professional Associations; Member of the Drafting Committee on an Argentinean Arbitration Act (2001) and a Private International Law Act (2003).
Numerous lectures at Universities and to Academic and Professional Associations.
Legal Advisor on Private International Law: Practice of International Business Law, International Co-operation and International Litigation (since 1996); Experience in International Arbitration as Arbitrator of several Latin American Institutions and as Counsellor (since 1997).
Clerk at Argentinean Civil and Commercial Courts (1978-1996).
Legal Advisor for the Inter-American Development Bank (1998, 2001-2002 and 2008).
Bakhtiyar Tuzmukhamedov, born on 30 March 1955, in Moscow.
Graduate of Moscow Institute of International Law (Diploma in Public International Law, 1977; Candidate of Juridical Science, 1983) and Harvard Law School (LL.M., 1994). Titular Professor of International Law and Vice-President of the Russian Association of International Law. Counselor of the Court, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
Trial judge at the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (2009-2012), Judge at the Appeals Chamber of the UN International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and for the former Yugoslavia (2012-2015).
At various times served as adviser with his country’s delegations to the United Nations Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations and the Special Committee on the Indian Ocean, Civil Affairs Officer with the UN Peace Forces in the former Yugoslavia, member of a group of experts of the UN Institute for Disarmament Research, member of the group of experts on the ICRC-sponsored Study of Customary Norms of International Humanitarian Law, and in other national and international capacities.
Editor-in-chief of three editions of the manual of international law, published under the auspices of the Russian Association of International Law. The 2007 edition was translated into English and released by Eleven International Publishing. Has written extensively on international legal matters of international peace and security, international law in constitutional jurisdiction.
Vice-President of the Russian Association of International Law, Deputy Editor-in-chief of the
Moscow Journal of International Law, and member of the European and American Societies of International Law.
Le renvoi en droit international privé – technique de dialogue entre les cultures juridiques,
W. J. Kassir Extrait de la Table Des Matières Introduction;
Chapitre I. Le renvoi dans la théorie conflictualiste classique;
Section I. Présentation du mécanisme;
Section II. Le débat doctrinal originel autour de l’admission du renvoi;
Chapitre II. Le renvoi en droit international privé compare;
Section I. Panorama mondial: pays favorables et pays hostiles;
Section II. Le cas particulier des pays multiconfessionnels;
Section III. Recul du renvoi dans les conventions internationals;
Chapitre III. Réflexion sur les problèmes pratiques majeurs du renvoi;
Section I. L’incompatibilité du renvoi avec certaines règles de conflit;
Section II. Problèmes généraux posés par le renvoi;
Applying the Most Favourable Treaty or Domestic Rules to Facilitate Private International Law Co-operation,
M. B. Noodt Taquela Excerpt of Table of Contents Introduction;
Chapter I. Scope of application of International Co-operation Treaties;
A. Material Scope of Application; B. Territorial Scope of Application; C. Temporal Scope of Application; D. Reservations and Reciprocity of the Reservations;
Chapter II. Private International Law Co-operation Treaties;
A. Object of International Judicial Co-operation; B. Service of Process Treaties; C. Treaties of Taking of Evidence Abroad; D. Access to Foreign Law; E. Provisional Measures Treaties; F. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Decisions and Documents;
Chapter III. Compatibility clauses;
A. Concept of Compatibility Clause: Provisions That Rule the Relation of a Treaty with Other International Instruments; B. Different Types of Compatibility Clauses;
Chapter IV. Principles of Public International Law;
A. Rules on the Application of Successive Treaties. Vienna Convention: Article 30; B. Application of the Rules of the Vienna Convention to Resolve the Conflicts of Private International Law Treaties;
Chapter V. The Principle of the Application of the Most Favourable Treaty or Domestic Rules;
A. Interpretation of International Treaties; B. Principles Governing the Relations between Private International Law Treaties on Judicial Co-operation; C. Co-ordination of Different Sources;
Publications from international organizations;
Selected case law table.
Legal Dimensions of Arms Control Agreements. An Introductory Overview,
B. Tuzmukhamedov Excerpt of Table of Contents Chapter I. Broaching the matter;
Glimmer of hope?; Scope of the course; Basic terms and concepts; Historic landmarks;
Chapter II. Sources;
The UN Charter and Article VI of the NPT; Treaties – categorization; Treaties – multiple depositary; Treaties – multilateralization; Decisions of UN organs; Supplementary means;
Chapter III. Norm-making mechanisms;
Negotiations and negotiators; General Assembly and subsidiary/adjunct bodies; UNIDIR;
Security Council; Conference on Disarmament; Regional mechanisms;
Chapter IV. Partial measures – weapons of mass destruction;
Definitions; Nuclear weapons – testing; Nuclear weapons – non-proliferation; Strategic armaments; Other weapons of mass destruction; Non-proliferation regimes;
Chapter V. Partial measures – conventional weapons and adjunct arrangements;
Limitation of conventional weapons and of their proliferation; Zonal approaches; Confidence and security-building measures; Verification of compliance with treaty obligations; Concluding observations;
Appendix A. Interpretation of treaties authenticated in different languages (a case study of the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems);
Appendix B. Suspension of treaties absent provisions for suspension (a case study of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe).