Translation and interpreting (T/I) and cross-cultural communication activities in the Asia Pacific are unique in that they involve vastly different languages and cultures. Such differences pose challenges for T/I practitioners and researchers as well as scholars of cross-cultural studies. In
Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication Studies in the Asia Pacific, Leong Ko and Ping Chen provide a comprehensive and in-depth account of various issues encountered in translation and interpreting activities and cross-cultural communication in the Asia Pacific.
The book covers six areas including translation research from the historical perspective and different issues in translation studies; research on literary translation; studies on translation for special purposes; research on interpreting; translation and interpreting training; and research on issues in cross-cultural communication.
Dr Leong Ko is Senior Lecturer of Translation and Interpreting Studies at the University of Queensland, Australia. He has published books, book chapters and many journal articles on translation and interpreting studies and pedagogy.
Dr Ping Chen is Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of Queensland, Australia. He has published books, book chapters and many journal articles on linguistics, translation and interpreting studies.
Table of Contents
Section One — Translation Research Overview
Translation Today and Translation Research: A World Story
José Lambert
The Shifting Distance of Translation
Yifeng Sun
Chinese-English Translation: Opportunities and Challenges in the Era of Globalisation
Youyi Huang
Section Two — Literary Translation
Strategies of Cultural Translation: A Contrastive Analysis of the Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng
Biao Zuo
Translation for Performance: Oscar Wilde in China
Linyuan Wang
Research on Reproduction of the Musicality in the Translation of Shengshengman
Lixin Wang & Zhaodi Zhang
Technological Interventions in Literary Meaning: A Case of Machine Translation
Tong King Lee
Translating Motion Events from English into Chinese: An Examination of Literary Works
Vincent X. Wang
Fishing for the Moon in the Water: Practical Challenges for a Translator in the Contact Zone
Yauling Hsieh
Section Three — Translation for Special Purposes
How Is a Pseudo-Translation Manipulated? A Critical Look at the Production of Carl Weter’s Educational Law
Daozhen Zhang
A Study of Chinese Translation of Academic Works in English: A Panorama in China
Keyong He & Yuanyuan Chen
Translation of Chinese Neologisms in the Cyber Age
Richard Yu
A Study on the Translation Strategies in Korean-English Children’s Literature: From the Domesticated and Foreignised Perspective
Kwon Inkyoung
A Study of Translating Extra-Textual Expressions from a Non-English Language into English: A Case of Contemporary Japanese Computer-Mediated Communication
Noboru Sakai
The Impact of Glocalisation on Website Translation
Ying-Ting Chuang & Yi-Ting Lee
Section Four — Interpreting
Norms of Target-Language Communication in Interpreting: A Descriptive Study Based on the Corpus of CEIPPC
Binhua Wang
Decision-Making at Different Stages of Development in Simultaneous Interpretation: Diction, Technique and Strategy
Cheng-shu Yang & Alan Chiu
Coherence Establishment in Dialogue Interpreting
Lihua Jiang
Section Five — Translation and Interpreting Training and Industry
Use of Consultation Material in NAATI Translation Accreditation Examinations: A Think-Aloud Protocol Analysis
Carl Gene Fordham
Training Ethical Translators and Interpreters
Leong Ko
Moving from the Language Lab to the Interpreting Booth: Student Perceptions
Lily Lim
The Translation Industry in Taiwan in the Context of Globalisation: Facing the Development of Professional Translation and Master of Translation and Interpreting
Oscar Chun-hung Lin
Bourdieu’s Capital and Latour’s Actor-Network Theory as Conceptual Tools in Translation Research
Szu-Wen Kung
Section Six — Cross-Cultural Communication
Glocalising Voice and Style of Cosmopolitan in China
Doreen D. Wu & Agatha Man-kwan Chung
A Window to Chinese Art: Translating Concepts and Culture in Auspicious Chinese Painting
Maria Cheng & Eric Choy
A Sociopragmatic Analysis of Email Requests in Mandarin Chinese and Australian English
Wei Li
Language Medium and Self-Perceived Identity: A Case Study on Canadian Chinese-English Bilinguals
Wenying Jiang
Conceptualisation of Up and Down in Chinese and English: A Pilot Study
Haiyan Liang
All interested in translation and interpreting studies and cross-cultural communication, including students, researchers, teachers and translation/interpreting practitioners.