Protection des migrants et des réfugiées au XXIe siècle, aspects de droit international Migration and Refugee Protection in the 21st Century, International Legal Aspects


International migration and refugee protection are at a crossroads. On the one hand, contested rules and the absence of competent institutions open the door to exploitation, smuggling and trafficking, and also to inefficient, often ineffective management at the State level; on the other, long-accepted rules of refugee protection, such as non-refoulement, are under strain as States struggle to cope with increasing numbers of the displaced and an international infra-structure seemingly incapable of dealing adequately with causes, including conflict, of promoting solutions and sharing responsibility fairly and equitably, and of ensuring protection of the rights of those on the move.
This collection of essays could not be more timely. Coming from a wide range of backgrounds and experience, the authors take up these issues, from the very nature of migration and displacement in a world of sovereign States, through tentative efforts to improve migration management by way of treaty, to the ever-present tension between individual rights and State interests.
This volume provides essential reading for anyone interested in the burning questions of today, and in the role of international law in steering coherent responses and facilitating humane solutions.

La migration internationale et la protection des réfugiés sont à un tournant. D’un côté, des règles contestées et l’absence d’institution compétente ouvrent la porte à l’exploitation et au trafic de contrebande, ainsi qu’à une gestion étatique inefficace. D’un autre côté, des règles concernant la protection des réfugiés acceptées depuis longtemps, comme le principe de non-refoulement, sont mises à mal car les Etats ont du mal à gérer le nombre grandissant de personnes déplacées. De plus, l’infrastructure internationale est incapable de gérer de façon adéquate les causes, tels que les conflits, ou de promouvoir des solutions et de partager la responsabilité de façon juste et équitable, ainsi que d’assurer la protection des droits des personnes en déplacement.
Ce recueil d’essais arrive à point nommé. Les auteurs viennent d’horizons très variés et tentent d’aborder ces problématiques en partant de la nature même de la migration et du déplacement dans un monde d’Etats souverains en essayant d’apporter des solutions afin d’avoir une meilleure gestion de la migration par des traités, en observant la tension entre les droits individuels et les intérêts des Etats.
Ce volume est incontournable pour quiconque s’intéresse à ce sujet d’actualité, et plus particulièrement au rôle du droit international dont on attend des réponses cohérentes et des solutions humaines.

Originally published as Colloques / Workshops – Law Books of the Academy, Volume 36.

With a contribution of:
C. d’Orsi
J. Pina-Delgado
S. Iglesias Sánchez
J. Silga
F. Baetens
F. Ippolito
E. Papastavridis
C.-A. Chassin
J. Beqiraj
P. Wojcikiewicz Almeida
F. Zorzi Giustiniani
J. Ríos Rodríguez
S. Scarpa
B. M. Metou
E. Hostettler
E. Salamanca Aguado
V. Moreno-Lax

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Excerpt of Table of Contents
Introduction: Les rapports des directeurs d’études;
Introduction: The Reports of the Directors of Studies;
Chapitre 1 – Chapter 1 Migration and Forced Migration Today: Challenges for the Rule of Law;
Section 1. Preliminary remarks; Section 2. The movement of people between States; Section 3. The 2013 High-level dialogue on international migration and development; Section 4. The contributors from the English-speaking Section; Section 5. Future perspectives;
Chapitre 2 – Chapter 2 Le droit international face à la mobilisation internationale en faveur des migrants;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. Le choix d’étudier les incidences juridiques de la migration; Section 3. La vulnérabilité de la personne, déterminant juridique de la migration; Section 4. Les sujets de recherché;
Chapitre 3 – Chapter 3 La pérégrination du migrant: l’espoir constraint;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. Le cadre international de la peregrination; Section 3. Le déplacement interne; Section 4. Le droit de quitter le pays; Section 5. Le droit de revenir au pays; Section 6. L’espoir brisé: l’expulsion; Section 7. Conclusion; Réflexions finales sur le soi-disant « droit à la migration;
Chapitre 4 – Chapter 4 The Current International Legal Framework of Economic Migration Management – Challenges for Emerging Countries;
Section 1. Preliminary remarks; Section 2. Presenting the (real) “Package” of migration management: Northern perspectives on migration and the rise of bilateralism; Section 3. The “Northern” “Package” as the basis of the current framework of migration management; Section 4. Legal challenges of the “Package” for emerging economies; Section 5. Transmitting the “Package” to others ? Centre-Centre and Centre-South management of migration – legal challenges; Section 6. Concluding remarks;
Chapitre 5 – Chapter 5 Migration Agreements between the European Union and Third States;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. The external competences of the Union in the field of immigration; Section 3. Legal migration in the Treaty practice of the European Union; Section 4. Migration agreements and the common migration policy; Section 5. Concluding remarks;
Chapitre 6 – Chapter 6 L’intégration des migrations au développement;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. Un processus engage; Section 3. Un processus inachevé;
Chapitre 7 – Chapter 7 (In)Direct Horizontal Effect or Drittwirkung of International Rules on Discrimination against Migrant Workers;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. Horizontal effect or drittwirkung; Section 3. Evaluation of international rules addressing private discrimination against migrant workers; Section 4. Conclusion;
Chapitre 8 – Chapter 8 Le migrant confronté aux discriminations selon l’origine;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. La notion d’origine; Section 3. Les droits protégés par le principe de non-discrimination en raison de l’origine; Section 4. Conclusion;
Chapitre 9 – Chapter 9 Rescuing Migrants at Sea: The Responsibility of States under International Law;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. The responsibility of States under the law of the sea; Section 3. The responsibility of States under international human rights law for the protection of migrants rescued at sea; Section 4. Concluding remarks;
Chapitre 10 – Chapter 10 Le foyer et les conditions normales d’existence;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. Le foyer, cadre des conditions normales d’existence du migrant; Section 3. La protection du foyer par l’Etat;
Chapitre 11 – Chapter 11 Economic and Social Rights of Children Migrant Workers: The Case of Domestic Work;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. The international protection of children migrant workers; Section 3. The specific case of migrant children performing domestic work; Section 4. Conclusions;
Chapitre 12 – Chapter 12 Le travailleur migrant en situation irrégulière : l’accès aux droits;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. Une lecture restrictive des droits ou a rights-based approach; Section 3. Une lecture extensive des droits ou a principle-based approach; Section 4. Conclusion;
Chapitre 13 – Chapter 13 Expulsion and the Fundamental Rights of Irregular Migrants: Critical Notes in the Margins of the Work of the International Law Commission Work on the “Expulsion of Aliens”;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. Some preliminary remarks; Section 3. The right to expel as a manifestation of State sovereignty; Section 4. A fundamental rights approach; Section 5. Protection against expulsion : the prohibition of refoulement; Section 6. Protection during the expulsion process : the case of detention; Section 7. Procedural rights relating to expulsion;
Chapitre 14 – Chapter 14 La maltraitance du migrant;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. Fondement de la connexité entre la traite et le traffic; Section 3. Prééminence des droits de l’homme;
Chapitre 15 – Chapter 15 The Sovereignty of States, the Right to Family Life, and the Right of Non-Nationals to Enter, Reside and Avoid Expulsion: Towards a More Balanced Approach?;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. Opening Pandora’s Box ... and finding international migration in it!; Section 3. The limited scope of the right of non-nationals to freedom of movement in international human rights law; Section 4. The right to respect for family life and the protection of the family in international human rights law : universal and regional protection; Section 5. The right of non-nationals to enter and stay for the purpose of family reunification; Section 6. The right to family life and the expulsion of non-nationals: a human right to remain?; Section 7. Concluding remarks;
Chapitre 16 – Chapter 16 Le droit au refuge;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. L’existence d’un droit subjectif au refuge en droit international public; Section 3. L’indispensable concours des diverses institutions internationals à la mise en oeuvre du droit au refuge en droit international;
Chapitre 17 – Chapter 17 The Minimum Core Concept: A Viable Approach for Assessing Socioeconomic Claims in Refugee Law?;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. The minimum core approach; Section 3. Economic deprivation as justifiable cause; Section 4. The minimum core approach – a viable approach for assessing socio-economic claims in refugee law?; Section 5. Conclusions;
Chapitre 18 – Chapter 18 States Responsibilities in the Fight against Impunity for War Crimes in the Refugee Law Context: The Need for a European Integrated Approach;
Section 1. Introduction; Section 2. The obligation to deny refugee status or other international protection to alleged war criminals; Section 3. The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare) alleged war criminals; Section 4. Final remarks from an integrated perspective;
Chapitre 19 – Chapter 19 The Legality of the “Safe Third Country” Notion Contested: Insights from the Law of Treaties;
Section 1. Introducing the debate; Section 2. Framing: theory and practice of the “safe third country” idea; Section 3. Re-framing: a holistic assessment from the law of treaties; Section 4. Conclusions: from unworkability to illegality;
Bibliographie sélective – Selected Bibliography;
Table analytique des matières - Analytical index.
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