A Companion to Twelfth-Century Schools


This Companion to Twelfth-Century Schools provides a comprehensive update and new synthesis of the last three decades of research. The fruit of a contemporary renewal of cultural history among international scholars of medieval studies, this collection draws on the discovery of new texts, the progress made in critical attribution, the growing attention given to the conditions surrounding the oral and written dissemination of works, the use of the notion of a “community of learning”, the reinterpretation of the relations between the cloister and the urban school, and links between institutional history and social history.

Contributors are: Alexander Andrée, Irene Caiazzo, Cédric Giraud, Frédéric Goubier, Danielle Jacquart, Thierry Kouamé, Constant J. Mews, Ken Pennington, Dominique Poirel, Irène Rosier-Catach, Sita Steckel, Jacques Verger, and Olga Weijers.

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Cédric Giraud, Ph.D. (2006), Paris Sorbonne University, is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Lorraine. He has published monographs and many articles on cultural history and Medieval Latin, including Écrits spirituels du Moyen Âge (Gallimard, 2019).
"The history of education and science in the Middle Ages is certainly one of the most dynamic fields of research of the past two decades [...] Specialists guide you through their areas of expertise, staying close to the sources. Without exception, they cite from publications in several languages, classics as well as current literature. All authors succeed in providing the urgently needed "update", as promised by the volume’s editor Cédric Giraud […] Thus, this anthology consolidates recent research on the development of education and science in the 12th century, and also pinpoints debates that have yet to take place." (translated from German)

Anne Greule, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, in Francia Recensio 2020.1
DOI: 10.11588/frrec.2020.1.71475

„Die Geschichte von Bildung und Wissenschaft im Mittelalter gehört sicher zu den dynamischsten Forschungsfeldern der vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnte […] Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten, die souverän und quellennah durch ihr Themengebiet führen. Ausnahmslos rezipieren sie Publikationen in mehreren Sprachen, Klassiker ebenso wie aktuelle Literatur. Allen Autorinnen und Autoren gelingt es, das vom Herausgeber Cédric Giraud angekündigte, dringend benötigte »Update« bereitzustellen […] Somit konsolidiert der Sammelband einerseits die jüngst erzielten Forschungsergebnisse zur Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsentwicklung im 12. Jahrhundert, weist aber auch auf noch zu führende Debatten hin.“

Anne Greule, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, in Francia Recensio 2020.1
DOI: 10.11588/frrec.2020.1.71475

Notes on Contributors

Introduction: Schools and the “Renaissance of the Twelfth Century”
Cédric Giraud
1 The Schools and Intellectual Renewal in the Twelfth Century: A Social Approach
Constant J. Mews
2 The Institutional Organization of the Schools
Thierry Kouamé
3 The World of Cloisters and Schools
Jacques Verger
4 Submission to the Authority of the Masters: Transformations of a Symbolic Practice during the Long Twelfth Century
Sita Steckel
5 Methods and Tools of Learning
Olga Weijers
6 Reading and Educating Oneself in the 12th: Hugh of Saint-Victor’s Didascalicon
Dominique Poirel
7 The Trivium in the 12th Century
Frédéric Goubier and Irène Rosier-Catach
8 Teaching the Quadrivium in the Twelfth-Century Schools
Irene Caiazzo
9 Medical Education in the 12th Century
Danielle Jacquart
10 The Beginnings of Law Schools in the Twelfth Century
Ken Pennington
11 The Literary Genres of “Theology”
Cédric Giraud
12 Sacra Pagina: Theology and the Bible from the School of Laon to the School of Paris
Alexander Andrée

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Index Nominum
All interested in the history of Medieval Schools and cultural history of the Middle Age. Keywords: Peter Abelard, Hugh of Saint Victor, education, master, student, Middle Ages, theology, philosophy, history, manuscripts.
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