Staging Scripture

Biblical Drama, 1350-1600


Volume Editors: and
Against a background which included revolutionary changes in religious belief, extensive enlargement of dramatic styles and the technological innovation of printing, this collection of essays about biblical drama offers innovative approaches to text and performance, while reviewing some well-established critical issues. The Bible in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries appears in a complex of roles in relation to the drama: as an authority and centre of belief, a place of controversy, an emotional experience and, at times, a weapon. This collection brings into focus the new biblical learning, including the re-editing of biblical texts, as well as classical influences, and it gives a unique view of the relationship between the Bible and the drama at a critical time for both.

Contributors are: Stephanie Allen, David Bevington, Philip Butterworth, Sarah Carpenter, Philip Crispin, Clifford Davidson, Elisabeth Dutton, Garrett P. J. Epp, Bob Godfrey, Peter Happé, James McBain, Roberta Mullini, Katie Normington, Margaret Rogerson, Charlotte Steenbrugge, Greg Walker, and Diana Wyatt.

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Preliminary Material
Editor(s): Peter Happé and Wim Hüsken
Pages: i–viii
Pages: 1–11
Pages: 407–414
Peter Happé, Ph.D. (1966), is a retired independent scholar and Visiting Fellow for English at the University of Southampton. His extensive list of publications includes an edition of the complete plays of John Bale.
Wim Hüsken, Ph.D. (1987), is employed as a consultant at the city of Mechelen (Belgium). He specializes in Dutch theatre and drama. In 2005, he published a new edition of the complete plays of the Bruges playwright, Cornelis Everaert.
Review by Roser López Cruz, King's College London, in: Anuario Lope de Vega, 2018, pp. 451-457. DOI:
Peter Happé

Clifford Davidson
Memory and Remembering: Sacred History and the York Plays

Margaret Rogerson
Audience responses and the York Corpus Christi Play

Philip Butterworth
The Bible and the Towneley Plays of Isaac and Iacob

Diana Wyatt
Play Titles without Play Texts: What can they tell us, and how? An Investigation of the Evidence for the Beverley Corpus Christi Play

Roberta Mullini
The Norwich Grocers’ Play(s) (1533, 1565): Development and Changes in the Representation of Man’s Fall

Katie Normington
“Have here a Drink full good”: A Comparative Analysis of Staging Temptation in the Newcastle Noah Play

Peter Happé
Staging the Resurrection

Charlotte Steenbrugge
Preaching Penance on the Stage in Late Medieval England: The Case of John the Baptist

David Bevington
Staging and Liturgy in The Croxton Play of the Sacrament

Bob Godfrey
Herod’s Reputation and the Killing of the Children: Some Theatrical Consequences

Philip Crispin
Passion Play: Staging York’s The Conspiracy and Christ before Annas and Caiaphas

James McBain
“Alle out of hir self”: Mary, Effective Piety and the N-Town Crucifixion

Sarah Carpenter
Performing the Scriptures: Biblical Drama after the Reformation

Greg Walker
Blurred Lines? Religion, Reform, and Reformation in Sir David Lyndsay’s Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis

Elisabeth Dutton and Stephanie Allen
Seeing and Recognizing in the Sacred and New: The Latin Scriptural Plays
of Nicholas Grimald

Garrett P. J. Epp
“Be ye thus trowing”: Medieval Drama and Make-Belief

All interested in late medieval and early Renaissance European theatre, drama, religion, art, and history.
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