The Africa Yearbook covers major domestic political developments, the foreign policy and socio-economic trends in sub-Sahara Africa – all related to developments in one calendar year. The Yearbook contains articles on all sub-Saharan states, each of the four sub-regions (West, Central, Eastern, Southern Africa) focusing on major cross-border developments and sub-regional organizations as well as one article on continental developments and one on African-European relations. While the articles have thorough academic quality, the Yearbook is mainly oriented to the requirements of a large range of target groups: students, politicians, diplomats, administrators, journalists, teachers, practitioners in the field of development aid as well as business people.
Jon Abbink works as a senior researcher at the African Studies Centre, Leiden, and as a research professor at VU University, Amsterdam. His interests are political anthropology, ethno-history, and culture and religion in the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Somalia). Current research projects are on Ethiopian regional history and livelihoods, the rhetoric and practice of ‘development’, and religion and community formation in Northeast Africa.
Sebastian Elischer, Ph.D. (2010) in Comparative Politics, Jacobs University Bremen, is assistant professor of comparative politics at the University of Florida. He is the author of Political Parties and Ethnicity in Africa (Cambridge University Press, 2013). He has published on institutional change, identities and democratization in Africa.
Andreas Mehler, Ph.D. (1993) in Political Science, University of Hamburg, is Director of the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute and Professor of Political Science at the University of Freiburg. He has published extensively on democratisation processes and violent conflicts in West and Central Africa. With Henning Melber he is managing editor of Africa Spectrum.
Henning Melber, Ph.D. (1980) in Political Science, University of Bremen, is Director emeritus of the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and Senior Research Fellow of The Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala, Sweden; Extraordinary Professor at the Department of Political Sciences, University of Pretoria, and the Centre for Africa Studies, University of the Free State. He has published extensively on Southern Africa and in particular Namibia. With Andreas Mehler he is managing editor of Africa Spectrum.
'In 2012 the Yearbook received the African Studies Association and the African Librarians Council in the United States biennial Conover – Porter Award for Africa – related reference works and stands today as one of the best reference studies for Africa. Africa Yearbook also comes up with individual volumes, dedicated to specific countries (like Mozambique or Ghana) and based on the Yearbook chapters. [...] Reading the Yearbook, one truly grasps the reality of African life and especially the roller – coaster itinerary between huge development leaps (one should always bear in mind that for some time now Africa has been the most successful in terms of economic development region of the planet) and absolute misery and poverty. The same goes for everything from democracy (where one could at the same time make the exact opposite remarks) to sustainable development to counter – terrorism and peaceful resolution of differences in international relations. All in all, the Yearbook is an extremely useful tool for anyone interested in Africa but also an extremely interesting, full in details, book.' - Sotirios S. Livas and Zoe Papadopoulou, in: Journal of Oriental and African Studies Vol. 26 (2017), pp. 454-455
i. Preface
ii. List of Abbreviations
iii. Factual Overview
I. Sub-Saharan Africa (Jon Abbink, Sebastian Elischer, Andreas Mehler and Henning Melber)
II. African-European Relations (Christine Hackenesch and Niels Keijzer)
IV. West Africa (Sebastian Elischer)
Benin (Alexander Stroh)
Burkina Faso (Daniel Eizenga)
Cape Verde (Gerhard Seibert)
Côte d’Ivoire (Alfred Babo)
Gambia (Alice Bellagamba)
Ghana (Kwesi Aning & Nancy Annan)
Guinea (Anita Schroven)
Guinea-Bissau (Christoph Kohl)
Liberia (Lansana Gberie)
Mali (Bruce Whitehouse)
Mauritania (Claes Olsson & Helena Olsson)
Niger (Klaas van Walraven)
Nigeria (Heinrich Bergstresser)
Senegal (Emmanuelle Bouilly and Marie Brossier)
Sierra Leone (Krijn Peters)
Togo (Dirk Kohnert)
V. Central Africa (Andreas Mehler)
Cameroon (Fanny Pigeaud)
Central African Republic (Andreas Mehler)
Chad (Ketil Fred Hansen)
Congo (Brett L. Carter)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Claudia Simons)
Equatorial Guinea (Joseph N. Mangarella)
Gabon (Douglas A. Yates)
São Tomé and Príncipe (Gerhard Seibert)
VI. Eastern Africa (Jon Abbink)
Burundi (Stef Vandeginste)
Comoros (Rolf Hofmeier)
Djibouti (Rolf Hofmeier)
Eritrea (Nicole Hirt)
Ethiopia (Jon Abbink)
Kenya (Gabrielle Lynch)
Rwanda (Susan Thomson)
Seychelles (Rolf Hofmeier)
Somalia (Jon Abbink)
South Sudan (Daniel Large)
Sudan (Laura James)
Tanzania (Kurt Hirschler & Rolf Hofmeier)
Uganda (Volker Weyel)
VII. Southern Africa (Henning Melber)
Angola (Jon Schubert)
Botswana (David Sebudubudu & Keratilwe Bodilenyane)
Lesotho (Roger Southall)
Madagascar (Richard R. Marcus)
Malawi (George Dzimbiri & Lewis Dzimbiri)
Mauritius (Tor Sellström)
Mozambique (Joseph Hanlon)
Namibia (Henning Melber)
South Africa (Sanusha Naidu)
Swaziland (Marisha Ramdeen & Senzwesihle Ngubane)
Zambia (Edalina Rodrigues Sanches)
Zimbabwe (Amin Y. Kamete)
List of Authors
Students, politicians, diplomats, administrators, journalists, teachers, practitioners in the field of development aid as well as business people.