Dutch and Flemish Newspapers of the Seventeenth Century, 1618-1700 (2 Vols.)


Winner of the 2019 Menno Hertzberger Encouragement Prize for Book History and Bibliography

In Dutch and Flemish Newspapers of the Seventeenth Century Arthur der Weduwen presents the first comprehensive account of the early newspaper in the Low Countries. Composed of two volumes, this survey provides detailed introductions and bibliographical descriptions of 49 newspapers, surviving in over 16,000 issues in 84 archives and libraries. This work presents a crucial overview of the first fledgling century of newspaper publishing and reading in one of the most advanced political cultures of early modern Europe.

Seventy years after Folke Dahl’s Dutch Corantos first documented early Dutch newspapers, Der Weduwen offers a brand-new approach to the bibliography of the early modern periodical press. This includes, amongst others, a description of places of correspondence listed in each surviving newspaper. The bibliography is accompanied by an extensive introduction of the Dutch and Flemish press in the seventeenth century. What emerges is a picture of a highly competitive and dynamic market for news, in which innovative publishers constantly adapt to the changing tastes of customers and pressures from authorities at home and abroad.

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Front Matter
Pages: i–xviii
Pages: 158–168
Arthur der Weduwen is a researcher at the University of St Andrews specialising in the history of media, communication, and the book. He is writing, with Andrew Pettegree, a monograph on the Dutch book trade in the Golden Age.
“The bibliography of newspapers, long the poor relation, is taking a while to find its feet. These two vast volumes mark a great step forward. They offer on the one hand an account of the newspaper trade in the Dutch Republic and in the Hapsburg Southern Netherlands, and on the other a detailed bibliography of these publications down to 1700. […] [The] long introduction, a book in itself, will be essential reading for people whose interests lie far beyond newspapers or the Low Countries.”
David McKitterick, Trinity College, Cambridge. In: Library & Information History, Vol. 35, No. 2 (2018), pp. 134–135.

“This excellent work is an exposé of perseverance, dedication and precision. […] Dutch and Flemish Newspapers of the Seventeenth Century is essential for anyone studying news and newspapers, whether in chronological perspective, or diachronically. It could also be an aid for urban historians as it provides wonderful insights into the information about the networks people had access to during the Golden Age.”
Annemieke Romein, Ghent University/Erasmus University Rotterdam. In: BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, Vol. 132 (2017), review 90.

“Composed of two well-presented volumes, this survey provides bibliographical descriptions of forty-nine newspapers, surviving in over 16,000 issues. […] Der Weduwen’s overview of the fledgling newspaper industry opens up the way into various unexplored territories of research.“
Jaap Harskamp, in: The Library, Vol. 19, No. 1 (March 2018), pp. 87–89.

“an astonishing achievement” […] “an invaluable reference work for anyone working on the history of newspapers in seventeenth-century Europe, or on the book trade in the early modern Netherlands.” […] “These two volumes are immensely welcome, both as an intervention in scholarship on news in early modern Europe, and as a contribution to bibliography that will be invaluable for decades to come.”
Joad Raymond, Queen Mary University of London. In: Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 71, No. 3 (Fall 2018), pp. 1120–1122.

“ein nicht zu umgehendes Referenzwerk.“
Daniel Bellingradt, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. In: H-Soz-Kult, 07.09.2018.

“In onderzoeksinstellingen […] mag dit boek, dat tot de standaardwerken over de Nederlandse krant in de zeventiende eeuw mag worden gerekend, absoluut niet ontbreken.”
(This book, which may be considered one of the standard works about the Dutch newspaper in the seventeenth century, should be available in every research institute).
Rindert Jagersma, Radboud University Nijmegen. In: Mededelingen van de Stichting Jacob Campo Weyerman, Vol. 40, No. 2 (2017), pp. 191–194.

List of illustrations
List of maps and figures

The development of the Dutch and Flemish press in the seventeenth century
1. Newspapers in the Low Countries and the study of the periodical press
A bibliographical quest
New departures
North and South
2. Amsterdam: innovation and transformation
A new information capital
Serving the national market
The “Instruction for the Courantier”
3. Privileges, scoundrels, and gentlemen. New structures of the Dutch press
News at the heart of the state
The gentleman-publisher of Haarlem
4. Resurgence and struggle. The Flemish press in the seventeenth century
Abraham Verhoeven, courantier extraordinaire
Two fat Dutch lies
Civic loyalties
5. The life of the courantier
Relata Refero?
Toil and investment
6. Politics, public, and the periodical press in the Low Countries
Reading the news
Problematic customers
A dynamic press

A. Chronological register of seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish newspapers
B. Publication days of seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish newspapers
C. Availability of Dutch and Flemish newspapers, 1618-1700
D. Index of printers, publishers and sellers of newspapers
E. Places of correspondence in seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish newspapers
F. Four newspaper translations
G. Extraordinary newspapers for extraordinary times. Seventeenth-century satirical newspapers in the Dutch Republic, 1661-1691
One-eyed lovers in the news
1684: year of discord

List of illustrations
List of maps and figures

Dutch and Flemish newspapers of the seventeenth century: bibliographical working method
Standards of inclusion
Chronological presentation
Distinction between series
Newspaper introductions
The structure of the bibliographical lists
Places of correspondence
Advertisements and public announcements
The survival of seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish newspapers
Lost issues
Variant issues
Special issues
Illegal reprints
Institutional codes
Note on call numbers

1. Courante uyt Italien, Duytslandt, &c. (1618-1669)
2. Tijdinghen uyt verscheyde Quartieren (1619-1671)
3. Arnhemsche Courant (1619-1636)
4. Nieuwe Tijdinghen (1620-1629)
5. Courante uyt Italien, Duytsland ende Nederlandt (1620-1643)
6. Nieuwe Courante uyt Italien, Duytslandt ende Nederlant (1623)
7. Wekelijcke Tijdinghe (1629-1631)
8. Extraordinaris Courante (1631)
9. Courante uyt Duytschlandt, &c. (1632)
10. Untitled Amsterdam Newspaper (1632)
11. Extraordinarisse Post-tijdinghe (1635-1690)
12. Den Ordinarissen Postilioen (1635-1678)
13. Nieuwe Tydinghen uyt verscheyde ghewesten (1637-1660)
14. Extraordinarisse Post tijdinge (1637)
15. Ordinarise Middel-weeckse Courante (1638-1669)
16. Ordinaris Dingsdaegsche Courante (1638-1671)
17. Europische Courant (1642-1646)
18. Extraordinarie Advijsen op Donderdagh (1644-1645)
19. Extra Europische tijdingen uyt verscheyde Quartieren (1645)
20. Saterdaeghsche Courante (1648)
21. Mercurius Anglo-Britannus (1648)
22. De Bode van Vrancriick (1649)
23. Wekelycke Nieus uyt Vranckryck Engelant ende andre Plaetsen (1652-1655)
24. Noodig, Continueerlick Acht-Dagen-Nieus (1653)
25. Wekelycke Mercurius (1654)
26. Haegsche Weekelycke Mercurius (I) (1654-1655)
27. Unnamed news serial venture in The Hague (1654)
28. Haegsche Weekelycke Mercurius (II) (1655-1658)
29. Courante uyt Italien ende Duytschlant, &c. (1656-1660)
30. Post-tydingen uyt ‘sGraven-Hage (1656-1662)
31. Oprechte Haerlemse Courant (1656-1700)
32. Mercurius (1658-1669)
33. Ordinaire Donderdaeghsche Europische Courant (1659-1667)
34. Haegse Post-Tydingen (1663-1677)
35. Nieuwe Vrijdaghsche Tijdingen. Wt verscheyde ghewesten (1664-1674)
36. Nieuwe Wekelicksche Gasette, Ofte Extraordinaire Nieuwe Tydingen uyt verscheyde Ghewesten (1666-1674)
37. Woensdaghsche Tijdinghen uyt verscheyde Ghewesten (1666-1674)
38. Unnamed Bruges newspaper (1672)
39. Oprechte Donderdagse Courante (1666)
40. Oprechte Rotterdamse Zee-en Post-tijdingen (1666-1668)
41. Zeelantsche en Haeghsche Post-Tijdinghe (1666)
42. Ghendtsche Post-Tydinghen (1667-1700)
43. Amsterdamsche Courant (1670-1700)
44. Latin Courante (1672)
45. Waerachtigh Verhael (1673-1674)
46. Utrechtse Courant (1675-1700)
47. Uytgesochte Nieuwe Tydingen (1684)
48. Opregte Leydse Courant (1686-1700)
49. Antwerpsche Post-Tijdinge (1691-1700)

Scholars, students, bibliographers, and librarians interested in the history of the early modern Low Countries, and anyone interested in the history of news, media, and newspapers.
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