Socrates and the Socratic Dialogue assembles the most complete range of studies on Socrates and the Socratic dialogue. It focuses on portrayals of Socrates, whether as historical figure or protagonist of ‘Socratic dialogues’, in extant and fragmentary texts from Classical Athens through Late Antiquity. Special attention is paid to the evolving power and texture of the Socratic icon as it adopted old and new uses in philosophy, biography, oratory, and literature. Chapters in this volume focus on Old Comedy, Sophistry, the first-generation Socratics including Plato and Xenophon, Aristotle and Aristoxenus, Epicurus and Stoicism, Cicero and Persius, Plutarch, Apuleius and Maximus, Diogenes Laertius, Libanius, Themistius, Julian, and Proclus.
Alessandro Stavru, Ph.D. (2003) Naples, holds a teaching appointment at Bocconi University (Milan). He has published extensively on Socrates, the Socratics, ancient and modern aesthetics, and the History of Classical Scholarship. He has organized with Livio Rossetti the series of Socratica conferences and edited the Proceedings arising from them (2008, 2010, 2013). He belongs to the Editorial Board of the
International Socrates Studies (ISS).
Christopher Moore, Ph.D. (2008) University of Minnesota, is Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Classics at the Pennsylvania State University, and has written frequently on Heraclitus, Aristophanes, Socrates and the Socratics, and Plato, including
Socrates and Self-Knowledge (Cambridge, 2015).
''Alessandro Stavru and Christopher Moore have produced a substantial contribution to the literature on Socrates and Socratic literature. Their edited collection includes around forty chapters on a wide range of Socratic topics. Following an overview chapter by the editors, the volume is divided into five parts: the contemporary Athenian representation of Socrates and the Socratic dialogue, the Socratic circle, Plato, Xenophon, and the later ancient reception of Socrates. This is a rich and stimulating resource which will have something to offer anyone with an interest in Socrates.'' Jenny Bryan, in
Greece & Rome 67.1: 113-118 (april 2022)
Socrates and the Socratic Dialogue: An Overview from the First-Generation Socratics to Neoplatonism Christopher Moore and Alessandro Stavru
Around Socrates
A Sage on the Stage: Socrates and Athenian Old Comedy Jacques A. Bromberg
Aristophanes’ Iconic Socrates Andrea Capra
Protagorean Socrates, Socratic Protagoras: A Narrative Strategy from Aristophanes to Plato Michele Corradi
Isocrates as a Reader of Socratic Dialogues David J. Murphy
The Origins of the Socratic Dialogue: Plato, Xenophon, and the Others James M. Redfield
The Immediate Socratic Circle
On the Dialectical Character of Antisthenes’ Speeches Ajax and Odysseus in the Context of Socratic Literature Vladislav Suvák
Socratism and Eleaticism in Euclides of Megara Aldo Brancacci
Aristippus on Freedom, Autonomy, and the Pleasurable Life Kristian Urstad
Shock, Erotics, Plagiarism, and Fraud: Aspects of Aeschines of Sphettus’ Philosophy Claudia Mársico
Phaedo of Elis: The Biography, Zopyrus, and His Intellectual Profile Danilo Di Lanzo
Plato and the Socratics Luc Brisson
Philosopher Socrates? Philosophy at the Time of Socrates and the Reformed Philosophia of Plato Livio Rossetti
A Literary Challenge: How to Represent Socrates’ Daimonion Stefano Jedrkiewicz
The Logical Structure of Socrates’ Expert-Analogies Petter Sandstad
Crying for Help: Socrates as Silenus in the Euthydemus Michael Erler
Socrates and Natural Philosophy: The Testimony of Plato’s Phaedo Jörn Müller
Bios Praktikos and Bios Theôrêtikos in Plato’s Gorgias Ivan Jordović
The Socratic Dubia Harold Tarrant
Notes on Lovers Sandra Peterson
How to Defend the Defense of Socrates? From the Apology to Memorabilia Book 1 Pierre Pontier
Nature, Culture and the Rule of the Good in Xenophon’s Socratic Theory of Friendship: Memorabilia Book 2 Gabriel Danzig
From Generals to Gluttony: Memorabilia Book 3 David Johnson
Xenophon’s Socratic Education in Memorabilia Book 4 Christopher Moore
Fundamental Parallels between Socrates’ and Ischomachus’ Positions in the Oeconomicus Louis-André Dorion
Aphrodite and Philophrosyne: Xenophon’s Symposium between Athenian and Spartan Paradigms Maria Consiglia Alvino
Xenophon’s Hiero: Hiding Socrates to Reform Tyranny Federico Zuolo
Xenophon’s Philosophical Approach to Writing: Socratic Elements in the Non-Socratic Works Noreen Humble
Later Reception
Aristotle on Socrates Nicholas Smith
Aristoxenus on Socrates Alessandro Stavru
Socratic Protreptic and Epicurus: Healing through Philosophy Jan Erik Heßler
From Competitor to Hero: The Stoics on Socrates Robert Bees
Socrates and Alcibiades as “Satiric Heroes:” The Socrates of Persius Diego De Brasi
Plutarch’s Reception of Socrates Geert Roskam
“A Man of Outstanding Perfection”: Apuleius’ Admiration for Socrates Friedemann Drews
Socrates in Maximus of Tyre M.B. Trapp
Socrates in the Ancient Biographical Tradition: From the Anonymous Phib. 182 to Diogenes Laertius Tiziano Dorandi
An Embodiment of Intellectual Freedom? Socrates in Libanius Heinz-Günther Nesselrath
Political Philosopher or Saviour of Souls? Socrates in Themistius and Julian the Emperor Maria Carmen De Vita
Proclus on Socratic Ignorance, Knowledge, and Irony Danielle A. Layne
All students and scholars interested in Socrates, Socratic dialogue and Socratic literature, as well as the first thousand years of reception of the Socratic circle.