The Concept of Law (lex) in the Moral and Political Thought of the ‘School of Salamanca’


Scholarship on the moral and political philosophy of the ‘School of Salamanca’ has either long been emphasizing the discontinuity between medieval and modern philosophy and the way this discontinuity is represented in the works of these authors or discussing issues of moral justification that are often seen as the heart of early modern practical philosophy.
This volume offers a fresh perspective by focusing on the concept of law. This allows for an in-depth analysis of a variety of normative issues in the authors’ moral and political thought. It also suggest a more continuous picture of the transition from medieval to modern philosophy and proposes a more nuanced view of the importance of political concepts in the authors’s practical philosophy.

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Kirstin Bunge, Dr. phil. des. (2013), is research assistant at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany). She has published articles on the philosophy of law and the political philosophy of Francisco de Vitoria.

Marko J. Fuchs, Dr. phil. habil. (PhD 2008, Habilitation 2016), is research assistant at Bamberg University (Germany). He has published monographs and articles on the metaphysics of the self, medieval theories of justice, and natural law.

Danaë Simmermacher, M.A., (Dissertation was submitted on 13.08.2015, Disputation will take place on 31.03.2016), is research assistant at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. She has published articles on the political philosophy of Luis de Molina. Her dissertation is about law and property (dominium) in Molinas De Iustitia et Iure.

Anselm Spindler, Dr. phil., is research assistant at the philosophy department of Goethe-University, Frankfurt (Germany). His publications include a monograph on natural law in Vitoria (frommann-holzboog 2015) and a translation of Aquinas's commentary on Politics I (Herder 2015).

“This volume is highly commendable for both specialists and those who are seek an introduction to late Jesuit Scholastic thinkers on the concept of lex.” - Cristiano Casalini, Boston College, in: Jounal of Jesuit Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2018), pp. 290-293 [DOI: 10.1163/22141332-00502005-02]
Notes on Contributors


Section 1: Systematic Foundations of Law (lex) in the Medieval Period

(1) Matthias Kaufmann (Halle/Saale), Die Referenzautoren der Schule von Salamanca und andere Vorläufer im Mittelalter

Section 2: The Concept of Law (lex) in Political Philosophy

(2) Danaë Simmermacher (Halle/Saale), The significance of the law (lex) for the relation between individual and state in Luis de Molina (1535-1600)

(3) Benjamin Slingo (Cambridge), Salas contra Suárez on the origins of political power

(4) Christoph Haar (Frankfurt), Tomás Sánchez and Late Scholastic Thought on Marriage and Political Virtue

(5) Paula Oliveira e Silva (Porto), The concept of ius gentium. Some aspects of its doctrinal development from the School of Salamanca to the universities of Coimbra and Évora

Section 3: The Concept of Law (lex) in Moral Philosophy

(6) Isabelle Mandrella (München), Gabriel Vázquez über das Naturrecht

(7) Tobias Schaffner (Cambridge), Is Francisco Suárez a Natural Law Ethicist?

(8) Anselm Spindler (Frankfurt/Main), Law, natural law, and the foundation of morality in Francisco de Vitoria and Francisco Suárez

(9) Dominik Recknagel (Halle/Saale), Das Notrecht in der grotianischen Naturrechtstheorie und seine spätscholastischen Quellen

Section 4: The Concept of Law (lex), Theory of Action, and Moral Psychology

(10) Alejandro Vigo (Pamplona), Intellekt, Wunsch und Handlung. Handlungsproduktion und Handlungsrechtfertigung bei Francisco Suárez

(11) Mauricio Lecón (Mexico City), Metaphysics and Psychology of the Making of Law in Francisco Suárez

Scholars in the history of moral and political thought (philosophy, theology, jurisprudence, intellectual history).
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