From Rome to Zurich, between Ignatius and Vermigli

Essays in Honor of John Patrick Donnelly, SJ


From Rome to Zurich, between Ignatius and Vermigli brings notable scholars from the fields of Reformation and Early Modern studies to honor their friend, mentor, and colleague, John Patrick Donnelly with essays commensurate with his own broad interests and scholarship. Touching Protestant scholasticism, Reformation era life writing, Reformation polemics – both Protestant and Catholic – and with several on theology proper, inter alia, the essays collected here by a group of international scholars break new ground in Reformation history, thought, and theology, providing fresh insights into current scholarship in both Reformation and Catholic Reformation studies. The essays take in the broad scope of the 16th century, from Thomas More to Martin Bucer, and from Thomas Stapleton to Peter Martyr Vermigli.

Contributors include: Emidio Campi, Maryanne Cline Horowitz, A. Lynn Martin, Thomas McCoog, SJ, Joseph McLelland, Richard A. Muller, Eric Parker, Robert Scully, SJ, and Jason Zuidema

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Kathleen M. Comerford, PhD (1995), University of Wisconsin, Madison, is Professor of History at Georgia Southern University. She has published numerous articles, and authored and edited multiple monographs on Catholic Reformation history including Jesuit Foundations and Medici Power (Brill, 2016).

Gary W. Jenkins, PhD (1999), Rutgers University, Professor of History at Eastern University, is Director of the Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture. He has published widely on Reformation thought, including John Jewel and the English National Church (Ashgate, 2006).

Torrance Kirby, DPhil (1988), Oxford, is Professor of Ecclesiastical History at McGill University. He has published multiple articles on Reformation thought and theology, and has authored/edited 12 monographs, including Persuasion and Conversion: Essays on Religion, Politics, and the Public Sphere in Early Modern England (Brill, 2013).

Introduction: The Editors

I. An Irish-American Jesuit in the Madison Mafia. A. Lynn Martin
II. Joseph McLelland

Bio-Bibliography O’Donnelly


Mourning in Lonely Exile: the Irish Ministry of William Good, S.J.
Thomas M. McCoog, S.J.

Man of Conscience, Martyr, and Saint: Thomas More’s Life and Death in the Memory of the English Catholic Community
Robert Scully, S.J.

Thomas Stapleton: Loathes Calvin; will travel
Gary W. Jenkins

Sixteenth- and Early Seventeenth-Century Ideas of Imagination
Maryanne Cline Horowitz

Calvinist Thomism Revisited: William Ames (1576-1633) and the Divine Ideas
Richard A. Muller

'Saint Dionysius': Martin Bucer's Transformation of the Pseudo-Areopagite
Eric M. Parker

"Protestant Monasticism between the Reformation Critique and New Monasticism"
Jason Zuidema

Cognition and Action: Conversion and ‘virtue ethics’ in the Commonplaces of Peter Martyr Vermigli
Torrance Kirby

Was Peter Martyr a grandfather of the Heidelberg Catechism? A relecture of Questions 47 and 48 against the background of Peter Martyr's Christological controversy with Johannes Brenz
Emidio Campi

Everyone interested in Reformation and Counter Reformation theology, the history of doctrine, and Reformation history on the main personalities of the Reformation and Counter Reformation.
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